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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-3

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Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv (RGIA)

Go to:    Finding Aids — General — Unpublished   Finding Aids — Specialized

Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 186-95; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 152-57; Fed. arkhivy NSA (1994), pp. 33-42; GA Spravochnik (1989), pp. 50-53; G&K Spravochnik (1983), pp. 27-29; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 168-82; Sup. 1 (1976), pp. 50-53.

The RGIA website has an electronic list of all fonds and opisi within each fond with brief annotations at:!.
        See also the helpful research handbooks by L.E. Shepelev (1966, 1971), which provide a general orientation for research in historical materials from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with emphasis on RGIA holdings.

History and Surveys of Holdings


b-135. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv: Putevoditel' v chetyrekh tomakh. Compiled by N.E. Kashchenko, N.M. Korneva, D.I. Raskin, B.M. Vitenberg, et al. Edited by D.I. Raskin and A.R. Sokolov. 4 vols. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 2012–. 1st edn: 2000–2009. [Rosarkhiv; RGIA] (Lib: DLC [1st edn]; MH [1st edn]).
Electronic edition:
        Vol. 1: Fondy vysshiikh gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdenii. Compiled by D.I. Raskin, B.M. Vitenberg, N.E. Kashchenko, N.M. Korneva, et al. St. Petersburg: “Liki Rossii”, 2012. 239 p.; 1st edn: St. Petersburg: “Satis”, 2000. 302 p.
        Vol. 2: Fondy tsentral'nykh gosudarstvennykh uchrezhdenii. 1st edn. Izd-vo SPbGU, 2009. 692 p.
        Vol. 3: Fondy obshchestvennykh i chastnykh uchrezhdenii i organizatsii. Compiled by D.I. Raskin, G.F. Solov'eva, et al. St. Petersburg: “Liki Rossii”, 2012. 215 p.; 1st edn: St. Petersburg: Izd-vo SPbGU, 2006. 266 p.
        Vol. 4: Fondy lichnogo proiskhozhdeniia. 1st edn. 2007. 279 p.

A multi-volume guide to RGIA with detailed annotations for all fonds, including those acquired and/or declassified since the previous 1956 guide (b–137), organized by institutional structure. A detailed institutional history is provided for each creating agency and its various sub-agencies and/or divisions, with extensive bibliography of previous reference aids, documentary publications, and institutional histories. Annotations indicate the holdings included in various opisi within large fonds. Separate indexes cover personal names, geographic entities, subjects, state agencies, and a numerical list of fonds.
        The first volume, covering the highest state agencies includes coverage of the State Council, the State Duma, the Committee and Council of Ministers, the Senate, Synod, various imperial chanceries, high state committees, and the Supreme Criminal Court.
        The second volume covers the Commerce Department, 1801–1900; the central executive departments, 1802–1917.
        The third volume covers societal and private agencies and organizations, while the fourth volume covers fonds of personal and family papers.

b-136. Fondy Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo arkhiva: Kratkii spravochnik. Compiled by D.I. Raskin and O.P. Sukhanova. Edited by V.V. Lapin and D.I. Raskin. St. Petersburg: RGIA, 1994. 120 p. [RGIA] (Lib: IU; MH).

Provides a complete list of fonds, including those previously classified, with the name, dates, and number of files in each fond. For institutional fonds, it also lists major previous names of the creating agency. Appendices include a short survey of archival reference materials, a bibliography of published reference literature, including article-length surveys of fonds, schema for the RGIA card catalogues, and an index of fond numbers.

b-137. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv v Leningrade: Putevoditel'. Edited by V.V. Bedin and S.N. Valk. Leningrad: GAU, 1956. 607 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,722].

The basic guide to the archive as then organized with detailed annotations of fonds, agency histories, and bibliography of published surveys, inventories, and documentation publications. Includes a list of fonds transferred to other archives. A second volume listing smaller and less important fonds not included remains in typescript (see b–145).

b-138. Russian State Historic Archives, St. Petersburg: Annotated Register. St. Petersburg: “Blits”, 1994. xv, 401 p.
Text in Russian.

A preliminary printout from the relatively primitive computerized version of the typescript register of opisi (b–146). In fond-number order, it characterizes each opis', including dates and number of files, with a short annotation in Russian. Printed without a preface or explanation about its source and content, it contains more in-depth information than the 1956 guide (b–137). In practice, however, it must be used only in conjunction with that guide and the new short directory (b–136), because it lacks adequate data about the fonds themselves, the history of their creating agency, bibliography of reference aids, and indexes. A key-word searchable floppy disk is available at an extra cost.

b-139. Arkhivy SSSR. Leningradskoe otdelenie Tsentral'nogo istoricheskogo arkhiva: Putevoditel' po fondam. Compiled by M. Akhun, M. Lukomskii, S. Rozanov and A. Shilov. Edited by A.K. Drezene. Leningrad: Lenoblizdat, 1933. 280 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,816].

The initial guide to the Leningrad Branch of the Central Historical Archive, as it was then organized, including the sections of political, economic, cultural, and military-naval documentation, before their 1934 division into separate archives. For the RGIA holdings—political and economic sections—it is now superseded by the 1956 guide (b–137).

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History and Surveys of Holdings
See also the several articles regarding TsGIA SSSR developments and holdings in the 1968 conference proceedings (Problemy arkhivovedeniia i istorii arkhivnykh uchrezhdenii: Materialy iubileinoi nauchnoi konferentsii arkhivistov Leningrada 13–14 iiunia 1968 g. Leningrad, 1970).

b-140. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv. Compiled by O.D. Amosova, A.R. Sokolov, et al. St. Petersburg: RGIA, Prezidentskaia biblioteka, 2012. 140 p. [Ministerstvo kul'tury RF; Rosarkhiv; RGIA].

b-141. Dremina, Galina Andreevna; and Kuznetsova, Tat'iana Viacheslavovna. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv SSSR v g. Leningrade: Uchebnoe posobie. Moscow: MGIAI, 1959. 64 p. (Lib: MH) [IDC-R-10,721].

A short survey of the history and contents of the archive.

b-142. Raskin, David Iosifovich. “Sistema nauchno-spravochnogo apparata TsGIA SSSR.” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1982 god (1983), pp. 28–37. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

Surveys the internal reference system in RGIA, including analysis of the many types of prerevolutionary chancellery registers and other internal agency reference aids from numerous state institutions of the Russian Empire. Especially helpful in orienting researchers.

b-143. Nekotorye voprosy izucheniia istoricheskikh dokumentov XIX–nachala XX v.: Sbornik statei. Edited by I.N. Firsov, G.M. Gorfein and L.E. Shepelev. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1967. 264 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,723].

Contains articles and surveys of sources concerning important groups of records from central institutions of prerevolutionary Russia. See especially the articles by R.Iu. Matskina, “K voprosu ob opredelenii sostava arkhivnykh fondov vysshikh i tsentral'nykh uchrezhdenii XIX–nachala XX v.” (pp. 24–43), G.M. Gorfein, “Osnovye istochniki po istorii vysshikh i tsentral'nykh uchrezhdenii XIX–nachala XX v.” (pp. 73–110), those by L.V. Vinogradov, A.V. Tapanova, and E.S. Paina, covering records of the Governing Senate (pp. 111–75), the article by E.I. Kudriavtseva on peasant history (pp. 176–203), and the article by E.I. Malkova and M.A. Pliukhina regarding biographic sources.

b-144. “[Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv].” Informatsionnyi biulleten' [GAU], 1958, no. 10. (Lib: DLC; MH) [IDC-R-10,786].

This entire issue of the GAU journal was devoted to TsGIA SSSR, its holdings and activities. Includes a 40-year commemorative article by V.V. Bedin on the history of the archive (pp. 5–21) and several survey articles about economic holdings.

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Finding Aids —  General — Unpublished:

b-145. “Spisok fondov, ne vkliuchennykh v osnovnuiu chast' putevoditelia: [Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv v Leningrade: Putevoditel'. Vol. 2].” Edited by V.V. Bedin and S.N. Valk. Leningrad, 1956. Typescript.

A supplementary list of 518 fonds, which were to have been included in a projected second volume of the 1956 guide (b–137), covering smaller and less important fonds. These are all listed in the 1994 directory (b–136).

b-146. “Annotirovannyi reestr opisei [TsGIA SSSR].” 3 vols. Leningrad, 1973. 490 p. Typescript.

A typescript register summarizing the contents of all opisi for each fond in the archive, organized by fond number. Researchers may consult a rendition of this finding aid in electronic form and an initial printout from the database, which is being offered for sale abroad (see b–138). Owing to the inadequate database program, however, reseachers are advised also to refer to this fundamental reference work in its original typescript available in the archive.

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Finding Aids —  Specialized:

Only a few of the most extensive earlier and the most recent specialized publications are listed here. See the more complete bibliography of specialized finding aids, including survey articles, for RGIA holdings listed in the short guide (b–136), pp. 96–101 and 110ndash;17; Fed. arkhivy NSA (1994), pp. 34ndash;40; and in PKG M&L (1972), pp. 171ndash;82, and Sup. 1 (1976), pp. 50ndash;53. The 1976 PKG Supplement provides a correlation table for the many reference publications available in IDC microfiche editions, only the most important of which are listed below. Among other more specialized references listed Problemy arkhivovedeniia i istorii arkhivnykh uchrezhdenii: Materialy iubileinoi nauchnoi konferentsii arkhivistov Leningrada 13ndash;14 iiunia 1968 g. (Leningrad, 1970). For sources on the history of medicine, see Istoriia razvitiia meditsiny i zdravookhraneniia v Rossii: Obzor dokumental'nykh materialov (Moscow/Leningrad, 1958) and Utkin, L.A.; Gammerman, A.F.; and Nevskii, B.A. Bibliografiia po lekarstvennym rasteniiam: Ukazatel' otechestvennoi literatury: rukopisi XVIIndash;XIX vv., pechatnye izdaniia 1732ndash;1954 gg. (Moscow/Leningrad, 1957). For manuscript books and early documents, see Begunov, Sprav.-ukaz. (1963), pp. 199ndash;22.

Archive of the State Council
Archive of the State Duma
Archive of the Senate
Archive of the Holy Synod and other Orthodox Church Sources
Records of the Imperial Chancery and Court Estates
Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Sources Relating to Education
Sources on Economic Development, Business, and Trade
Sources on Theater History
Sources Relating to Jews
Sources Relating to Germans in Russia
Personal Fonds
Library and Official Agency Publications
Microfiche Collections

Archive of the State Council

b-147. Istoriia Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Rossiiskoi Imperii: 1801–1828 gg. Fondy Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo arkhiva: Spravochnik. Compiled by D.I. Raskin and A.R. Sokolov. Moscow, 2008. 520 p. [SF FS RF; Minkul'tury; Rosarkhiv; RGIA].

b-148. Opis' del arkhiva Gosudarstvennogo Soveta. 17 vols. St. Petersburg, 1908–1914. (vols. 1–12, 15–16, 19–21). (Lib: DLC; MH-L) [IDC-R-10,725].

A never completed publication of inventories of records of the State Council from 1807 to 1910. Vols. 1–12 sequentially cover documentation from the years 1810–1899. Vol. 15 covers files of the Secret Committee and Main Committee for Peasant Affairs and Agriculture (1857–1882); vol. 16 covers files of the State Council and State Chancellery (1807–1910); and vols. 19–21 cover records relating to Poland. Each volume has name, geographic, and subject indexes.

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Archive of the State Duma

b-149. Opis' del arkhiva kantseliarii Gosudarstvennoi dumy. 2 vols. Petrograd: Gos. tip. 1914–1915. 126 p. 143 p. (Lib: CSt-H; DLC; NN) [IDC-R-11,033].

The first volume covers the first session (April 27–July 8, 1906); the second covers the second session (February 20–June 2, 1907).

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Archive of the Senate
See also the more recent coverage in b–142.

b-150. Klochkov, Mikhail Vasil'evich. Pamiatnaia knizhka Senatskogo arkhiva. Edited by I.A. Blinov. St. Petersburg: Senatskaia tip. 1913. 257 p. (Lib: DLC; MH-L) [IDC-R-10,726].

b-151. Arkhiv Pravitel'stvuiushchego Senata. Compiled by P.I. Baranov. 3 (in 4) vols. St. Petersburg, 1872–1878. (Lib: CSt-H; DLC) [IDC-R-10,813].
(Also listed as b–101)
        Vol. 1: Opis' imennym vysochaishim ukazam i poveleniiam tsarstvovaniia imperatora Petra Velikogo, 1704–1725. 167 p.
        Vols. 2 and 3: Opis' vysochaishim ukazam i poveleniiam, khraniashchimsia v S.-Peterburgskom Senatskom arkhive za XVII vek.
        Vol. 2: 1725–1740. 1002 p. Includes indexes for volumes 1 and 2.
        Vol. 3: 1740–1762. 513 p. Separate index: 305 p.

Copies of many of the eighteenth-century documents covered by these volumes exist in both RGIA and RGADA. The inventories coordinate the entries with the published ukazy in Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiiskoi Imperii and include many which have not been published.

b-152. Opis' dokumentov i del, khraniashchikhsia v Senatskom arkhive. 9 (in 10) vols. St. Petersburg/Petrograd: Senatskaia tip. 1909–1917. In 3 series. (Lib: MH; MH-L) [IDC-R-10,727].

Series I covers the years 1703–1737 (with an extra volume of indexes). Series II covers 1797–April 1806. Series III (vols. 1–3) covers files of the chancery of the General Procurator, Dela kantseliarii General-Prokurora 1797–1800 gg.

b-153. Opis' dokumentov i del, khraniashchikhsia v Senatskom arkhive: Otechestvennaia voina i kampanii 1813–1815 gg. St. Petersburg: Senatskaia tip. 1912. 339 p. (Lib: DLC; MH) [IDC-R-10,728].

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Archive of the Holy Synod and other Orthodox Church Sources
For holdings relating to the Russian Orthodox Church, see Ist. RPTs (1995), pp. 85–113.

b-154. Opisanie dokumentov i del, khraniashchikhsia v arkhive Sviateishego pravitel'stvuiushchego Sinoda. 30 (in 31) vols. St. Petersburg/Petrograd: Sinodal'naia tip. 1868–1917. (Lib: CSt-H[inc.]; DLC; IU; NN) [IDC-R-10,817].

Unfinished chronological publication of inventories and documents of the central institutions of Synod, as well as ecclesiastical schools, monasteries, churches, and other institutions. The first volume covers documents from 1542–1721; subsequent volumes (with gaps) cover a single year: vols. 2–12 (1723–1732); vols. 14–24 (1734–1743); vol. 26 (1746); vols. 28–29 (1748–1749); vols. 31–32 (1751–1752); vol. 34 (1754); vol. 39 (1759); and vol. 50 (1770). Additional unpublished volumes remain in the archive in manuscript form.

b-155. Opis' dokumentov i del, khraniashchikhsia v arkhive Sviateishego pravitel'stvuiushchego Sinoda s ukazateliami k nei: Dela komissii dukhovnykh uchilishch 1808-1839 gg. St. Petersburg: Sinodal'naia tip. 1910. xi, 964, ii p. (Lib: NNC) [IDC-R-11,305].

A catalogue of records of the Commission on Ecclesiastical Schools published separately from the multivolume catalogue series (b–154).

b-156. Opisanie rukopisei, khraniashchikhsia v arkhive Sviateishego pravitel'stvuiushchego Sinoda. 2 (in 3) vols. St. Petersburg: Sinodal'naia tip. 1904–1910. (Lib: DLC; MH) [IDC-R-7311].

b-156A. Begunov, Iu.K. “Drevnerusskie rukopisi fonda Sinoda v Tsentral'nom Gosudarstvennom istoricheskom arkhive SSSR v Leningrade.” In Istoricheskoe povestvovanie Drevnei Rusi, pp. 332–38. Leningrad: Nauka, 1976.
Electronic edition:

b-157. Opisanie dokumentov arkhiva zapadno-russkikh uniatskikh mitropolitov. St. Petersburg, 1897–1907. (Lib: MH) [IDC-R-10,729].

The first volume covers charters and other documents 1470–1700, the second 1701–1839.

b-158. Istoriia Rimsko-Katolicheskoi Tserkvi v Rossiiskoi Imperii (XVIII–XX vv.) v dokumentakh Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo arkhiva/Historia Kościola Rzymskokatolickiego w Imperium Rosyjskim (XVIII–XX w.) w dokumentach Rosyjskiego Państwowego Archiwum Historycznego. Edited by k.K. Pozharskii. 2 vols. St. Peterburg/Varshava, 1999–2000. 290 p. Preface by Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz and A. Sokolov. Preface, table of contents, and text in Russian and Polish. [Rosarkhiv; RGIA; Prikhod sv. Stanislava] (Lib: MH).
        Title of vol. 2: Istoriia Rimsko-katolicheskoi Tserkvi v Rossii i Pol'she v dokumentakh arkhivov, bibliotek i muzeev Sankt-Peterburga: Ocherk-putevoditel'/Historia Kościola Rzymskokatolickiego w Rosji i Polsce w dokumentach archiwow, bibliotek i muzeow Sankt Petersburga: zarys-przewodnik.

b-159. Katolicheskaia tserkov' v arkhivakh Departamenta dukhovnykh del inostrannykh ispovedanii MVD. Edited by M.S. Radvan and A.R. Sokolov. 5 vols. St. Peterburg, 2000–2001. [Rosarkhiv; RGIA] (Lib: GARF-NB[vols.1,2,4]).
Added title list in Polish.
        Vol. 1: Fond no. 821. Opisi nos. 1, 2. 266 p.
        Vol. 2: Fond no. 821. Opisi nos. 3, 4. 304 p.
        Vol. 3: Fond no. 821. Opisi nos. 6, 10, 11, 12, 13. 365 p.
        Vol. 4: Fond no. 821. Opis' no. 125. 368 p.
        Vol. 5: Fond no. 821. Opisi nos. 128, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 149, 150, 152. 257 p.

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Records of the Imperial Chancery and Court Estates

b-160. Arkhiv Ministerstva gosudarstvennykh imushchestv: Sistematicheskaia opis' delam byvshego V-go otdeleniia Sobstvennoi Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva kantseliarii, 1824–1856. St. Petersburg, 1887. 236 p. (Lib: MH) [IDC-R-10,818].

Covers documents from the Fifth Department of the Imperial Chancellery for the years of Nicholas I, particularly materials relating to state domains.

b-161. Arkhiv Ministerstva zemledeliia i gosudarstvennykh imushchestv: (Istoricheskii ocherk, ustroistvo i sostav del). Compiled by P.A. Shafranov. St. Petersburg: Tip. V.F. Kirshbauma, 1904. 247 p. (Lib: DLC) [IDC-R-10,819].

Describes materials relating to state domains from the former ministry archives.

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Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

b-162. Polianskaia, L. “Arkhivnyi fond Glavnogo upravleniia po delam pechati: Obzor.” Literaturnoe nasledstvo 22–24 (1935), pp. 603–34. (Lib: DLC; MH) [IDC-R-10,730].

Surveys censorship files of fond no. 776.

b-163. Polianskaia, L. “Obzor fonda Tsentral'nogo komiteta tsenzury inostrannoi.” Arkhivnoe delo 45 (1938), no. 1, pp. 62–116. (Lib: DLC; MH) [IDC-R-10,731].

Surveys censorship files for foreign publications now classified as fond no. 799.

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Sources Relating to Education
See the detailed surveys of sources relating to the history of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University, Materialy po istorii Leningradskogo universiteta, 1819–1917: Obzor arkhivnykh dokumentov (Leningrad, 1961), and St. Petersburg (Leningrad, Petrograd) Pedagogical University (earlier Institute), Obzor dokumentov po istorii Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni pedagogicheskogo instituta im. A.I. Gertsena (1918–1967 gg.) (Leningrad, 1976).

b-164. Opisanie del arkhiva Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia. Edited by A.S. Nikolaev, S.A. Pereselenkov and S.F. Platonov. 2 vols. Petrograd, 1917–1921. 447 p. 416 p. (Lib: CSt-H; MH; NN) [IDC-R-10,820].

Volume 1 covers various papers of the predecessor of the Ministry of Public Education from 1782–1803 with some additional documentary materials. Volume 2 covers censorship materials for the years 1802–1817.

b-165. Opisanie del byvshego Arkhiva Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia: Kazennye evreiskie uchilishcha. Edited by S.G. Lozinskii. Petrograd: Gos. tip. 1920. lxxii, 424 p. (Lib: DLC; MH) [IDC-R-11,087].

A detailed inventory of materials from the Ministry of Public Education that relate to Jewish schools in the nineteenth century, still held among the records of the ministry. Includes excerpts of many documents.

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Sources on Economic Development, Business, and Trade

b-166. Kaidanov, Nikolai Ivanovich. Sistematicheskii katalog delam Departamenta vneshnei torgovli, khraniashchimsia v Arkhive Departamenta tamozhennykh sborov. St. Petersburg, 1877. 643 p. (Lib: DLC; MH) [IDC-R-10,733].
        SUPPLEMENT: Dopolneniia k katalogu delam Departamenta vneshnei torgovli, izdannomu v 1877 godu. Compiled by N.I. Kaidanov. St. Petersburg, 1888. Issued as part of b–111. [IDC-R-10,717].

Covers foreign trade materials between 1811 and roughly 1875.

b-167. Kaidanov, Nikolai Ivanovich. Sistematicheskii katalog delam Departamenta tamozhennykh sborov. St. Petersburg, 1886. 227 p. (Lib: DLC) [IDC-R-10,821].

Covers documents dealing with customs and trade from roughly 1825 to 1883, but the bulk of the materials date from the 1850s, 60s, and early 70s. See also additional coverage in the 1888 volume by Kaidanov, most of the documents from which are now located in RGADA (b–111).

b-168. Obzor dokumental'nykh materialov Tsentral'nogo gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo arkhiva SSSR po istorii obrabatyvaiushchei promyshlennosti Rossii. Compiled by G.S. Khomiakova, M.S. Semenova and L.E. Shepelev. Edited by V.V. Bedin. 2 vols. Moscow: GAU, 1957–1962. (Lib: DLC [vol. 1]; MH) [IDC-R-10,734].
        Pt. 1: ——v pervoi polovine XIX veka. 60 p. (Lib: DLC)
        Pt. 2: ——v 1864–1914 gg. 151 p.

b-169. Shepelev, Leonid Efimovich. “Arkhivnye fondy aktsionernykh kommercheskikh bankov.” Problemy istochnikovedeniia 7 (1959), pp. 58–104. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,753 mf. 26-37].

A detailed analysis of types of archival records available from commercial banks in the Russian Empire in the late nineteenth and early twentienth centuries with a tabular list of existing banks. Most of the archival materials mentioned are now in RGIA.

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Sources on Theater History
For materials regarding the prerevolutionary theater, see the extensive coverage in the volumes edited by I.F. Petrovskaia (1966, 1971, 1984, 1989).

b-170. Arkhiv direktsii Imperatorskikh teatrov. Part 1: (1746–1801 gg.) Otdel I — Opis' dokumentam. Compiled by A.E. Molchanov, K.A. Petrov and V.P. Pogozhev. St. Petersburg: Tip. Imperatorskikh teatrov, 1892. 344 p. (Lib: MH) [IDC-R-10,738].

Although the fond has been somewhat reorganized, this inventory is still useful for description of the materials.

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Sources Relating to Jews
For Jewish-related holdings in RGIA, see also the collection of articles including coverage of recently declassified materials: Istoriia evreev v Rossii: Problemy istochnikovedeniia i istoriografii: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov (St. Petersburg, 1993), and the lists of fonds in Jewish Doc. (1996), pp. 51–53, and Dok. ist. evreev (1994), pp. 90–91. See also b–165.

b-171. Dokumenty po istorii i kul'ture evreev v arkhivakh Sankt-Peterburga: Putevoditel'/Jewish Documentary Sources in Saint Petersburg Archives: A Guide. Compiled by A.I. Ivanov, M.S. Kupovetskii and A.E. Lokshin. Edited by A.I. Ivanov, M.S. Kupovetskii and A.E. Lokshin. 3 vols. St. Petersburg: Mir, 2011–2017. A publication of Project Judaica. [RGGU; Rosarkhiv; RGIA; RGAVMF; Jewish Theological Seminary of America (New York)].
        Vol. 1: Federal'nye arkhivy/Federal Archives. Compiled and edited by A.I. Ivanov, M.S. Kupovetskii and A.E. Lokshin. 2011. 640 p.
        Vol. 2: Regional'nye arkhivy. Compiled and edited by A.I. Ivanov and M.S. Kupovetskii. 2013. 584 p.
        Vol. 3 (in two pts): Vedomstvennye arkhivy. Compiled and edited by A.I. Ivanov and M.S. Kupovetskii. Pt. 1: 2015. 544 p. pt. 2: 2017. 776 p.

The first volume describes archival materials related to jews history and culture held in 324 fonds and collections of RGIA (B–3) and RGAVMF (B–5). The second volume describes archival materials held in local state archives of St. Petersburg: TsGIA SPb (D–16), TsGA SPb (D–15), TsGAIPD SPb (D–17), TsGALI SPb (D–18), TsGAKFFD SPb (D–19), LOGAV (D–25).
        The first part of third volume describes archival materials held in scientific libraries of St. Petersburg: RNB (G–15), SPb GTB (G–21), also in social organisations: RGO (E–55), Evreiskii obshchinnyi tsentr Sankt-Peterburga (EOTs SPb) and NITs "Memorial" (F–10). Also added 9 fonds of RGIA and 1 fond TsGALI SPb. The second part describes archival materials related to jews history and culture held in 413 fonds of St. Petersburg museums: State Hermitage (H–235), GRM (H–236), REM (H–272), MAE/Kunstkammer (E–29), GMIR (H–275), GMPIR (H–201), VIMAIBiVS (H–210) and RAN institutions: SPbF ARAN (E–25), SPbII (E–27), IVR (E–30), IIMK (E–26), IRLI/Pushkin House (E–28), among others.
        Introduction, table of contents and list of archival collections in numerical order also in English.

b-172. Deich, Genrikh Markovich (Deych, Genrikh M.). Arkhivnye dokumenty po istorii evreev v Rossii v XIX–nachale XX vv.: Putevoditel'/A Research Guide to Materials on the History of Russian Jewry (19th and early 20th Centuries) in Selected Archives of the Former Soviet Union. Edited by B. Nathans. Moscow: Blagovest, 1994. xx, 149 p. [Distributed abroad by REES, University of Pittsburgh] (Lib: MH).
        SUPPLEMENT: Deich, G.M. Zapiski sovetskogo arkhivista. Kollektsiia dokumental'nykh materialov po istorii evreev v Rossii. Pechatnye trudy. Edited by V. Shchedrin. Moscow: Evreiskoe Nasledie, 1996. 39 p.

Includes an introduction by Deich, a former archivist in TsGIA SSSR. The author lists many Jewish-related fonds in RGIA that were not included in the 1956 guide (b–137 and b–145), annotates documents within the fonds of high central organs of the Russian Empire, such as the annual guberniia reports from 15 guberniias, and provides a more detailed register of Jewish-related documents within the records of the Department of Spiritual Affairs of Foreign Settlers. Since most of the work was completed by the author before emigration, however, the lists do not reflect many newly opened fonds relating to Jews and hence should be compared to other listings, particularly those in the Project Judaica database. The 1996 supplement lists additional Jewish-related files in several RGIA fonds, xerox copies of which are held in the personal collection of the author now in Harvard College Library (MH).

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Sources Relating to Germans in Russia

b-173. Edlund, Thomas Kent. The Lutherans of Russia: Parish Index to the Church Books of the Evangelical-Lutheran Consistory at St. Petersburg, 1833–1885. St. Paul, MN: Germanic Genealogy Society, 1995. [Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints] (Lib: DLC).

An index to parish registers from Lutheran churches in prerevolutionary Russia held with the Lutheran Consistory records in RGIA, comprising some 274 manuscript volumes, particularly important for the Germans in Russia. Parishes included were located in the guberniias of Arkhangel'sk, Bessarabia, Chernihiv, Ekaterinoslav, Iaroslavl, Kherson, Kyiv, Kostroma, Novgorod, Olonets, Podolia, Poltava, Pskov, Smolensk, St. Petersburg, Taurida, Volhynia, and Vologda. Entries describe the original manuscripts in correlation with the preservation microfilms of the parish registers prepared in 1993–1994 by the LDS Family History Library, which are now available through that library system.

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Personal Fonds

b-174. Lipson, G.M. “Usovershenstvovanie spravochnogo apparata k lichnym fondam RGIA.” Otechestvennye arkhivy, 1993, no. 5, pp. 115–21. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

A recent discussion of the reference system for personal papers in RGIA.

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Library and Official Agency Publications
See also Biblioteki SPb (1993), p. 56.

b-175. Katalog: Russkie ofitsial'nye i vedomstvennye izdaniia XIX–nachala XX veka. Compiled by E.K. Avramenko, N.E. Kashchenko, N.G. Markova, et al. Edited by N.E. Kashchenko. St. Petersburg: Blits, 1995–. 6 vols. available through 1999. [RGIA] (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).
Added English title page: Catalogue: Russian Official and Departmental Publications from the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century.

A planned eight-volume bibliography of the official internal publications of government agencies held in the RGIA library. The first volume (1995) covers publications of the highest state organs, including the State Council, State Duma, and the Committee (later Council) of Ministers; the second (1995) covers the Ministries of Internal Affairs, War, and of the Navy. Subsequent volumes cover individual ministries and other government agencies. Many of the imprints listed are extremely rare.

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Microfiche Collections

b-177. Gubernatorial Reports of Russian Imperial Governors, 1855–1864. Leiden: IDC, 1999. 1,176 microfiches.
        Additional informational available electronically:

The collection of reports of the provincial governors of the Russian Empire in the nineteenth century, dispatched annually to the Ministry of the Interior and ultimately to the Tsar himself, contains reports from the period of Great Reform 1855–1864 on the Arkhangel'skaia, Ekaterinoslavskaia, Iaroslavskaia, Kazanskaia, Moskovskaia, Nizhegorodskaia, Novgorodskaia, Peterburgskaia, Permskaia, Saratovskaia, Tobol'skaia, and Voronezhskaia provinces (gubernii).

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