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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-25

Last update of repository: 7 December 2020

Leningradskii oblastnoi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv v g. Vyborge (LOGAV)

[Leningrad Oblast State Archive in Vyborg]

Agency: Arkhivnyi komitet Leningradskoi oblasti (AK LO)
[Archival Committee of Leningrad Oblast]

Address: 188800, Leningradskaia Oblast, Vyborg, ul. Shturma, 1

Telephone: +7 813-78 2-28-71

Fax: +7 813-78 2-28-71; +7 813-78 2-29-62

Reading room: +7 813-78 2-24-75



Opening hours: TuTh 10:00–15:00; RdngRm: MWTh 9:00–16:45

Transport: electric train from Finland Station

Director: Iuliia Igorevna Kripatova (tel. +7 813-78 2-23-46)

Deputy Director: Elena Nikolaevna Andronnikova (tel. +7 813-78 2-15-00)

Main Curator: Iuliia Anatol'evna Riakhovskikh (tel. +7 813-78 2-15-00)

Before 1917, when Karelia was part of the Russian Empire, many of the provincial records of Vyborg Guberniia were concentrated in Vyborg (Finish Viipuri). When the area was part of independent Finland during the interwar period, a Provincial Archive had been organized there, which brought together the records of prerevolutionary Vyborg Guberniia.
        Following Soviet annexation of Karelia, the Vyborg archive was reestablished in 1940 as a Branch of the Central State Archive of the Karelian-Finnish SSR. It received its present name in 1969.
        As now organized in Vyborg, LOGAV holds records of postrevolutionary institutions and organizations of provenance in and/or pertaining to Leningrad Oblast (Guberniia), including oblast agencies based in the city of St. Petersburg itself, as well as a large part of the records of prerevolutionary Vyborg Guberniia.

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