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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-210

Last update of repository: 18 March 2020

Voenno-istoricheskii muzei artillerii, inzhenernykh voisk i voisk sviazi (VIMAIViVS)

[Military History Museum of the Artillery, Corps of Engineers, and Signal Corps]

Agency: Ministerstvo oborony RF (Minoborony Rossii)
[Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation]
Glavnoe raketno-artilleriiskoe upravlenie (GRAU)
[Chief Rocket-Artillery Directorate]

Address: 197046, St. Petersburg, Aleksandrovskii park (formerly park Lenina), 7

Telephone: (812) 610-33-01

Fax: (812) 610-33-29

E-mail: [email protected]

Website:  (Rus);  (Eng);

Opening hours: W–Su 11:00–17:00

Transport: metro: Gor'kovskaia; bus: 25, 46, 65, 134; tram: 2, 6, 26, 34, 63

Director: Valerii Mikhailovich Krylov (tel. +7 812 498-09-34, +7 812 498-09-32; fax +7 812 498-09-34, +7 812 498-09-32)

Deputy Director: Vasil'evna Nikolaevich Uspenskaia (tel. +7 812 498-09-33)

Deputy Director: Oleg Leonidovich Vysotskii (tel. +7 812 498-09-34, add. 211)

Deputy Director: Sergei Vladimirovich Efimov (tel. +7 812 232-02-96; fax +7 812232-02-96)

Scientific Secretary: Tat'iana Aleksandrovna Evgrafova (tel. +7 812 498-09-34, add. 245)

Nauchnyi arkhiv
[Scientific Archive]
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Otdel fondov, nauchnoi obrabotki i khraneniia eksponatov artilerii
[Division of Fonds, Processing and Storage of Exhibits of the Artillery]
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Otdel fondov, nauchnoi obrabotki i khraneniia eksponatov inzhenernykh voisk
[Division of Fonds, Processing and Storage of Exhibits of the Corps of Engineers]
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