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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-1Last update of repository: 6 December 2020Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv goroda Moskvy (TsGA Moskvy)Go to: • Finding Aids — General — Unpublished • Finding Aids — Specialized Finding Aids — Published — General:
Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 375-77; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 289-91; GA Spravochnik (1989), pp. 312-16; G&K Spravochnik (1983), pp. 64-65; RSFSR Spravochnik (1980), pp. 26-28; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 365-67. The lists of fonds and opisi available electronically at: and
d-15. Tsentral'nye arkhivy Moskvy: Putevoditel' po fondam. Compiled by I.G. Tarakanova, et al. Edited by A.D. Stepanskii, et al. 6 vols. Moscow: “Mosgorarkhiv”, 1999–2000, 2012, 2013; reprinted 2002. [Mosgorarkhiv] (Lib: DLC[vols.1-4]; MH). A six-volume guide, organized by subject matter, covering fonds in all of the Moscow municipal archives (Mosgorarkhiv, now Glavarkhiv), which have now been consolidated in TsGA Moskvy. Coverage includes records of prerevolutionary municipal and guberniia institutions (mid-18th–1918) in former TsIAM; post-1917 institutions and agencies in former TsMAM (then TsAGM, now TsGA Moskvy) and former TsALIM (then divided between TsAGM and TsAOPIM), Communist Party organizations in former TsAODM (then TsAOPIM), and related scientific-technical documentation in former TsANTDM. Provides dates and name changes for many of the creating agencies. Each volume includes indexes of personal names, place names, and institutions, as well as lists of fonds by number in each archive.
d-16. Tsentral'nye arkhivy Moskvy: Putevoditel' po fondam lichnogo proiskhozhdeniia. Compiled by A.A. Kats. Edited by A.D. Stepanskii, et al. Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 1998. 232 p. [Mosgorarkhiv] (Lib: MH). Covers personal papers and related collections in former TsIAM and TsADKM (then TsMAMLS), as well as one collection of personal documentation in former TsAODM (then TsAOPIM). Fonds of former TsIAMFor fonds of former TsIAM, see d–15.
d-20. Gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Moskovskoi oblasti: Putevoditel'. Compiled by L.I. Gaisinskaia, et al. Edited by S.O. Shmidt. Moscow, 1961. 345 p. [GAU] (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,940]. Many of the former TsIAM holdings were described in this guide to the former oblast historical archive (GIAMO)—the latest listing which covered them.
d-22. “Lichnye fondy TsIAM.” In Tsentral'nye arkhivy Moskvy: Putevoditel' po fondam lichnogo proiskhozhdeniia, edited by A.D. Stepanskii, et al, pp. 11–80. Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 1998. (Lib: MH). The guide covers 138 fonds of personal papers and related collections in former TsIAM. Includes cross-references to additional personal papers of the same individual held in other repositories. Fonds of former TsAOPIM
d-25. Inozemtseva, Zinaida Petrovna. “Dokumenty Tsentral'nogo arkhiva obshchestvennykh dvizhenii Moskvy—istochnik izucheniia obshchestvennogo soznaniia.” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1997 god (1998), pp. 89–91. A brief survey of developments in the archive since its establishment in 1992.
d-26. Taranov, E.V. Arkhiv na Mezhdunarodnoi: Kratkii ocherk istorii Tsentral'nogo arkhiva obshchestvennykh dvizhenii g. Moskvy (1921–1996). Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 1997.
d-27. Hoffmann, David L. “A First Glimpse into the Moscow Party Archive.” Russian Review 50 (October 1990), pp. 484–86. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).
d-28. “Lichnye fondy TsAODM.” In Tsentral'nye arkhivy Moskvy: Putevoditel' po fondam lichnogo proiskhozhdeniia, edited by A.D. Stepanskii, et al, pp. 185–95. Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 1998. (Lib: MH). The guide covers one collection of personal documentation in former TsAODM—the collection of personal documents of participants of socio-political movements and revolutionary events in Russia in the late 19th–early 20th century (fond 8654, opis' 1, file 1255). Fonds of former TsAE i ADMSee also the 1997 brief surveys in the articles honoring the Moscow archival bicentennial (d–3 and d–4).
d-30. Tsentral'nyi arkhiv audiovizual'nykh dokumentov Moskvy: Putevoditel'. Compiled by E.V. Kharitonova, I.N. Lednikova, L.A. Lunina and G.S. Rodionova. Edited by S.K. Kushnarev. 2nd ed. Moscow: Izd-vo Glavarkhiva, 2007. 352 p. [Glavarkhiv Moskvy; TsAADM].
d-31. Tsentral'nyi Moskovskii arkhiv dokumentov na spetsial'nykh nositeliakh: Putevoditel'. Compiled by E.G. Aleksandrova, L.A. Lunina and L.I. Smirnova. Edited by S.K. Kushnarev, et al. Moscow: Izd-vo Mosgorarkhiv, 1997. 208 p. + ill. (Lib: DLC; MH). A well-illustrated, subject-oriented guide to the holdings with separate sections for documentary films, photographs, sound recordings, and personal fonds with individual collections. Updates and significantly expands the 1987 survey (d–32).
d-32. Tematicheskii perechen' kinofotofonodokumentov, khraniashchikhsia v Tsentral'nom gosudarstvennom arkhive kinofotofonodokumentov g. Moskvy. Compiled by L.V. Mokrousova. Moscow, 1987. 94 p. [Glavarkhiv] (Lib: DLC). A subject-oriented guide to the holdings. Now updated by d–31.
d-33. Kushnarev, Sergei Konstantinovich. “TsGAKFFD g. Moskvy: Komplektovanie fotodokumentami.” Otechestvennye arkhivy, 1992, no. 5, pp. 20–25. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Although the brief survey deals in general terms, the article gives valuable insight about acquisitions and acquisition policies of the archive in recent decades. Fonds of former TsANTDM
d-35. Tsentral'nye arkhivy Moskvy: Tsentral'nyi arkhiv nauchno-tekhnicheskoi dokumentatsii Moskvy: Putevoditel'. Compiled by G.P. Stytsenko. Edited by E.G. Boldina, A.S. Kiselev, I.V. Korovainikov, V.V. Nazarov, et al. Moscow: “Mosgorarkhiv”, 1998. 95 p. [Mosgorarkhiv] (Lib: DLC; MH). An initial guide covering the holdings accessioned through 1997.
d-36. “Istoriko-arkhitekturnyi arkhiv.” In Moskva: Entsiklopediia, edited by A.L. Narochnitskii, et al, pp. 285. Moscow: “Sovetskaia entsiklopediia”, 1980. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Briefly describes the history and holdings of GlavAPU, the largest and richest fond acquired by former TsANTDM. Fonds of former TsMAMLSThe general published guide to personal papers in the Moscow municipal archives (d-16) describes those personal papers that were transferred to former TsADKM (then TsMAMLS) from TsMAM (now TsGA Moskvy) and other sources.
d-38. Tsentral'nyi moskovskii arkhiv-muzei lichnykh sobranii: Putevoditel'. Compiled by M.B. Dobren'kaia. Moscow: Izd-vo Glavarkhiva Moskvy, 2008. 368 p. The first part of guide contains description of 198 personal fonds. The second part describes 16 collections. There are also personal names, geographical and toponymycal indexes.
d-39. “Lichnye fondy TsADKM.” In Tsentral'nye arkhivy Moskvy: Putevoditel' po fondam lichnogo proiskhozhdeniia, edited by A.D. Stepanskii, et al, pp. 81–184. Moscow: Mosgorarkhiv, 1998. (Lib: MH). The general guide to personal papers in the Moscow municipal archives (d-16) describes 127 fonds (all but 3 of which were transferred from TsMAM, now TsGA Moskvy) and 2 collections, one from the Second Moscow Medical Institute and the other a miscellaneous collection of documents of Soviet CP and state government officials. Includes cross-references to additional personal papers of the same individual held in other repositories.
d-40. Kats, Andrei Azar'evich. “TsADKM—Pervyi moskovskii arkhiv dokumentov lichnogo proiskhozhdeniia.” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1997 god (1998), pp. 86–88. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Briefly describes the history and concept of the archive with mention of the transfers that have already taken place.
d-41. Kats, Andrei Azar'evich. “Lichnye fondy sovetskikh gosudarstvennykh i obshchestvennykh deiatelei v TsMAM.” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1992 god (1994), pp. 236–48. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Briefly describes some of the personal papers earlier held by TsMAM ( former TsAGM, now TsGA Moskvy,D–1) that have since been transferred to former TsADKM. Finding Aids — General — Unpublished:
d-43. “Tematicheskii perechen' fondov, khraniashchikhsia v Tsentral'nom gosudarstvennom arkhive Oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii i sotsialisticheskogo stroitel'stva g. Moskvy.” Moscow, 1988. xi, 376 p. Typewritten. [AU Mosgorispolkoma; TsGAORSS g. Moskvy]. Although titled a thematic survey, in fact the volume is divided into four categories and provides details only about personnel records in different fonds. Fonds are listed in terms of the last official name of their creating agency with indication of agency subdivisions or umbrella agencies, the number, size, and the inclusive dates of the documentation. The general list does not include fonds that were classified as of 1988. Finding Aids — Specialized:For materials relating to the Russian Orthodox Church, see Ist. RPTs (1995), pp. 183–84; for Jewish-related holdings, see Dok. ist. evreev (1997), p. 364–76 (although the 3 personal fonds listed were transferred to TsADKM, then TsMAMLS).
d-45. Oktiabr' 1917 g. v Moskve i Moskovskoi gubernii: Obzor dokumentov Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii i sotsialisticheskogo stroitel'stva Moskovskoi oblasti. Compiled by L.I. Davydova, T.N. Dolgorukova and V.A. Kondrat'ev. Edited by L.I. Iakovlev and G.D. Kostomarov. Moscow, 1957. 174 p. [GAU; GAORSS MO] (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,942]. A general description of the holdings is followed by a chronological table of documents with citations of items as well as fond numbers. There is also brief mention of documents regarding the October Revolution in GA RF (including the former TsGIAM), RGVIA, among others. Fonds of former TsIAM
d-48. Opis' del, khraniashchikhsia v arkhive Moskovskoi kupecheskoi upravy. Compiled by N.A. Naidenov. 2 (in 6 parts) vols. Moscow, 1888–1893. (Lib: IU; MH) [IDC-R-9892]. Inventories records in three principal fonds in former TsIAM—the Moscow Merchants' Guild (Moskovskaia kupecheskaia gil'diia—fond 397), the Merchants' Division of the Moscow Civic Society (Kupecheskoe otdelenie doma Moskovskogo gradskogo obshchestva—fond 2), and the Moscow Merchants' Board (Moskovskaia kupecheskaia uprava—fond 3).
d-49. Iz istorii fabrik i zavodov Moskvy i Moskovskoi gubernii (konets XVIII–nachalo XX vv.): Obzor dokumentov. Compiled by V.I. Nevzorova. Edited by V.A. Kondrat'ev. Moscow, 1968. 335 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,941]. A detailed description with appended lists of holdings for individual factories. On factory materials in former TsIAM, see also the earlier article, “Obzor dokumental'nykh materialov po istorii fabrik i zavodov, khraniashchikhsia v gosudarstvennykh arkhivakh Moskovskoi oblasti,” in A.M. Gor'kii i sozdanie istorii fabrik i zavodov: Sbornik dokumentov i materialov v pomoshch' rabotaiushchim nad istoriei fabrik i zavodov v SSSR (Moscow, 1959), pp. 326–44.
d-50. Gar'ianova, O.A. “Dokumental'nye materialy Moskovskogo tsenzurnogo komiteta v Gosudarstvennom istoricheskom arkhive Moskovskoi oblasti: (Obzor materialov fonda za 1798–1865 gg.).” Trudy Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo istoriko-arkhivnogo instituta 4 (1948), pp. 179–97. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-in R-10,757]. Description of censorship materials earlier in TsIAM.
d-51. Grot, Nikolai Iakovlevich. Sistematicheskii katalog del arkhiva moskovskogo dvorianstva. Moscow: T-vo “Pechatnia Iakovleva”, 1898–1899. l, ii, 701 p. 2 vols. + separate index (Ukazatel') (pagination continuous). With a preface by N.Ia. Grot. (Lib: MH).
d-52. Naumov, Oleg Nikolaevich. “Opisanie i nauchnoe ispol'zovanie arkhiva Moskovskogo dvorianskogo sobraniia v kontse XIX–nachale XX v.” Otechestvennye arkhivy, 1997, no. 2, pp. 16–23. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). Discusses descriptive work in the archive (including d–51), along with other publications and genealogical and other research conducted on the basis of the records before 1917.
d-53. Dokumental'nye materialy po istorii i kul'ture evreev v fondakh Tsentral'nogo istorichekogo arkhiva Moskvy: Putevoditel'. Compiled by D.Z. Fel’dman and I.G. Krutikov. Moscow: Dom evreiskoi knigi/Drevlekhranilishche, 2006. 96 p. + 16 ill. (Lib: MH). Annotated guide covers description of 11 fonds of Hebrew materials held in the former archive. |