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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-31

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Kinostudiia “Lenfil'm” (Lenfil'm)

Previous names
1933–1934   Leningradskaia fabrika “Soiuzfil'm”
[Soiuzfil'm Leningrad Factory]
1932–1933   Leningradskaia fabrika “Rosfil'm”
[Rosfil'm Leningrad Factory]
1930–1932   Leningradskaia fabrika “Soiuzkino”
[Soiuzkino Leningrad Factory]
1926–1930   Leningradskaia fabrika “Sovkino” (Sovkino)
[Sovkino Leningrad Factory]
1925–1926   Leningradskii kinokhudozhestvennyi trest (Leningradkino)
[Leningrad Cinema Arts Trust]
1923–1926   Leningradskoe otdelenie “Goskino”
[Leningrad Division of the Goskino State Cinematographic Concern]
1922–1925   Severo-zapadnoe oblastnoe fotokinoupravlenie (Sevzapkino)
[Northwest Regional Photo-Cinematographic Administration]
1920–1921   Petrogradskii okruzhnoi fotokinootdel (POFKO)
[Petrograd Okrug Photo-Cinematographic Division]
1918–1919   Petrogradskii oblastnoi kinematograficheskii komitet Soiuza Severnykh kommun (Kinosev)
[Petrograd Oblast Cinematographic Committee of the Union of Northern Communes]
The history of the earliest film studio in the country dates to 1917, when a film subdivision was established in Petrograd within the Outside School Division of the State Commission for Education (Kinopodotdel vneshkol'nogo otdela Gosudarstvennoi komissii po prosveshcheniiu). On that basis, the Petrograd Film Committee was organized in 1918 under the People’s Commissariat of Education (Narkompros) of the RSFSR, which was soon reorganized as the Photo-Cinematographic Division and in 1922 as the Northwest Oblast Photo-Cinematographic Administration (Sevzapkino). Sevzapkino developed extensive international cinematographic relations exporting films to Europe and America, and participated in the establishment of the Bukhara-Russian Film Comrade Society (Bukhkino and later Uzbekkino), which helped lauch cinematography in Central Asia. In 1926 many of the small cinema operations of the city were consolidated into the Sovkino Leningrad Productions, which had a series of subsequent name changes. In 1934 the studio acquired its present name.
        During the 1920s and 1930s a number of master studios were established within the film studio, including the “Factory of the Eccentric Actor” (“Fabrika ekstsentricheskogo aktera”—FEKS) of G.M. Kozintsev and L.Z. Trauberg, the Experimental Film Workshop (KEM) of F.M. Ermler, and later, the Workshop of S.I. Iutkevich, among others.
        During the wartime period 1941–1944 the Leningrad Feature Film Studio was evacuated to Alma-Ata and became part of the Central Consolidated Studio for Feature Films (Tsentral'naia ob"edinennaia kinostudia khudozhestvennykh fil'mov—TsOKS).
        Lenfil'm started producing color films in 1949, and during the postwar decades produced approximately thirty full-length feature films per year, along with films for television, short-length and advertising films. It engaged in a number of foreign reissues and joint productions with motion picture studios in other countries.

N.B. Administrative records of the Lenfil'm Studio for the period 1919–1981 are now retained in TsGALI SPb (D–15, fond 257, 15,123 units).

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted