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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-45Last update of repository: 17 March 2020Memorial'nyi muzei-masterskaia skul'ptora A.S. Golubkinoi—Otdel Gosudarstvennoi Tret'iakovskoi galerei (MMG)Holdings Total: 2 fonds, 558 units, 1880s–1927 The memorial fond of the sculptress Anna Semenovna Golubkina consists of four sections: letters written by Golubkina; letters written to her; personal papers and official documents; and photographs. Most of the first section consists of letters from the sculptress to her elder sister and mother written while she was studying in Paris in the studio of the artist and architect Filippo Colarossi and in the workshop of Auguste Rodin. There are also letters from Moscow and Zaraisk to her friend and teacher A.N. Glagolev and his wife, and letters and notes to G.I. Chulkov, I.S. Efimov, and other friends and relatives. Apart from family correspondence the second section includes letters from people who were prominent in the Russian art world—V.G. Chertkov, I.E. Efimov, and K.S. Shokhor-Trotskii, as well as letters from various organizations and museums, including the L.N. Tolstoi Museum, the Tret'iakov Gallery, and the Board of the Moscow Salon Society of Artists (Pravlenie obshchestva khudozhnikov “Moskovskii salon”). The third section comprises Golubkina's personal documents and recollections (originals and copies) by such people as I.I. Bedniakov, E.M. Glagoleva, M.I. Romm, N.V. Khlebnikova, and V.F. Ern. There are rarephotographs of Golubkina in various periods of her life, as well as pictures of her family and friends. The museum also contains pictorial material illustrating Golubkina's work (portraits, studies, and sketches for sculptures) |