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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-45Last update of repository: 17 March 2020Memorial'nyi muzei-masterskaia skul'ptora A.S. Golubkinoi—Otdel Gosudarstvennoi Tret'iakovskoi galerei (MMG)Previous names
The museum was founded in 1932 in what had once been the studio of the eminent Russian sculptress, Anna Semenovna Golubkina (1864–1927). The museum holdings consist of the works of the sculptress which were donated to the state by her family. In 1952 the museum was closed and not reopened until 1976, although some of the original collections had by then been transferred to other museums. In 1988 the Studio-Museum became a Division for the Study of Creative Work of A.S. Golubkina of the State Tret'iakov Gallery (H–44). |