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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-20

Last update of repository: 16 March 2020

Muzei-panorama “Borodinskaia bitva”

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Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 842-44; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 636-37; Khudozh. muzei (1999), pp. 128-29; GAF Spravochnik (1991), pp. 110-11; Muzei Moskvy (1997), pp. 64-66.

There is no published guide to the archival materials in the museum.

h-230. Borodinskaia panorama: Sbornik statei. Edited by G.A. Boguslavskii and N.A. Kolosov. Moscow: “Moskovskii rabochii”, 1966. 128 p.

Different articles cover the history of the museum and its development, and reference documents on the history of the Battle of Borodino that are held by the museum (p. 25 ff.).

h-231. Borodinskaia panorama: Putevoditel'. Compiled by O.P. Andreev, L.V. Efremova, I.I. Kraivanova and T.D. Shuvalova. Edited by I. Aleksandrov. 4th ed. Moscow: “Moskovskii rabochii”, 1985. 157 p. + plates. (Lib: DLC).
        *3d ed. M. 1979. 160 p.
        2d ed. M. 1976. 157 p. (Lib: MH)
        *1st ed. M. 1973. 144 p.

A tourist guide to the museum describing the exhibits and providing data on various military figures and the artists displayed.

h-232. 1812 god—Borodinskaia panorama: Iz sobraniia Muzeia-panoramy “Borodinskaia bitva”. Compiled by N.A. Kolosov, I.A. Nikolaeva and P.M. Volodin. 4th ed. Moscow: “Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo”, 1989. [136] p. mostly plates.
        *3d ed.: M. 1985. [136] p.
        *2d ed.: M. 1984. [136] p.
        1st ed.: M. 1982. [136] p. (Lib: MH).

A volume of reproductions from the museum panorama and other collections with a six-page introduction about the history of the museum and appended data about the Russian and foreign artists represented.

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Finding Aids —  Specialized:

h-235. Afanas'ev, Dmitrii Nikolaevich; Afanas'ev, Mikhail Dmitrievich; and Sapozhnikov, Sergei Alekseevich. “K voprosu o sozdanii genealogicheskogo fonda uchastnikov Otechestvennoi voiny 1812 g.” In Genealogicheskie issledovaniia: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, edited by V.A. Murav'ev, et al, pp. 227–34. Moscow: RGGU, 1994. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

An analysis of the scholarly work underway to establish a collection of genealogical materials relating to participants in the Napoleonic War of 1812.

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