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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-147

Last update of repository: 26 August 2019

Memorial'nyi muzei kosmonavtiki (MMK)


Total: 1929–to present
documents—8,000; photographs—ca. 10,000; negativities—ca. 15,000

The museum holds documentation relating to the main stages and directions of space research. There are official documents, autographs, manuscripts, photographs, films, and other materials.
        The museum holds the personal papers of a number of famous scientists in the field of rocketry, including those of the founder of space exploration, Academician S.P. Korolev (1906–1966), and V.V. Razumov (1890–1967), Chairman of the Leningrad Jet Propulsion Study Group (Lengird). There are also documents of and relating to the Soviet Russian space scientist K.E. Tsiolkovskii (1857–1935), which include autographed copies of his printed works. The museum holds numerous recollections and memoirs of the life and work of Soviet space scientists and cosmonauts.
        Most of the documentary photographs and films in the museum were received from other state repositories, particularly the former RNITsKD (now part of B–9). There are also recordings made by those who took part in launching the first space ship in 1961 as well as biographical material on Iurii Gagarin and his own recollections together with recordings of the speeches of S.P. Korolev.
        The description of museum collections available on the website: http://www.kosmo-museum.ru/collections.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted