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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-82

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Natsional'nyi gosudarstvennyi universitet fizicheskoi kul'tury, sporta i zdorov'ia im. P.F. Lesgafta

Previous names
1994–2008   Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi universitet fizicheskoi kul'tury im. P.F. Lesgafta (SPbGUFK)
[P.F. Lesgaft St. Petersburg State University of Physical Culture]
1926–1994   Gosudarsvennyi institut fizicheskoi kul'tury im. P.F. Lesgafta (GIFK)
[P.F. Lesgaft State Institute of Physical Education]
1919–1926   Institut fizicheskogo obrazovaniia im. P.F. Lesgafta
[P.F. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Education]
1916–1919   Vysshie kursy P.F. Lesgafta
[P.F. Lesgaft Higher Courses]
1910–1916   Otdelenie fizicheskogo obrazovaniia Vysshikh kursov, uchrezhdennykh N.V. Dmitrievym pri S.-Peterburgskoi biologicheskoi laboratorii
[Division of Physical Education of the Higher Courses founded by N.V. Dmitriev at the St. Petersburg Biological Laboratory]
1907–1910   Pedagogicheskoe otdelenie Vysshei vol'noi shkoly pri Biologicheskoi laboratorii P.F. Lesgafta
[Pedagogical Division of the Higher Free School at the P.F. Lesgaft Biological Laboratory]
1905–1907   Vysshaia vol'naia shkola
[Higher Free School]
1896–1905   Kursy dlia vospitatel'nits i rukovoditel'nits fizicheskogo obrazovaniia
[Courses for Trainers and Directors of Physical Education]
The University owes and dates its origin to the so-called Courses for Trainers and Directors of Physical Education, which were founded in 1896 by Petr Frantsevich Lesgaft (1837–1909), an anatomist and teacher who had developed a scientific system of physical education. In 1905 these Courses were closed due to student unrest, but later in the same year were reopened under the Higher Free School (Vysshaia vol'naia shkola) (1905–1907), and from 1907 as the Pedagogical Department of the Higher Free School at the P.F. Lesgaft Biological Laboratory. In 1910 they became the Department of Physical Education of the Higher Courses founded by N.V. Dmitriev at the St. Petersburg Biological Laboratory, and from 1916 the P.F. Lesgaft Higher Courses.
        In 1919 the Courses were reorganized into the first higher educational establishment in the Soviet Union specializing in training teachers of physical education and sports—the P.F. Lesgaft Institute (from 1926—State Institute) of Physical Education. The Institute was raised to the status of university in 1994. It received the present name in 2008.
        The Museum of History was founded in 1971 to mark the 75th anniversary of the Institute that precededed the present University.

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