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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-26

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Institut istorii material'noi kul'tury RAN (IIMK)

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Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 499-504; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 382-87; Scholars’ Guide (1993), pp. 21-23; GAF Spravochnik (1991), pp. 389-92; G&K Spravochnik (1983), pp. 53-54; Spravochnik AN (1979), pp. 28-49; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 238-39; Biblioteki AN (1959), pp. 235-37; Peterburg (1992), p. 237.

See also the detailed bibliography covering literature relating to archeology Sovetskaia arkheologicheskaia literatura: Bibliografiia (1959–), including references to unpublished reports on archeological expeditions held by the Institute. See also the 1980 anniversary collection of articles published by the Institute of Archeology (e–32).

Manuscript Archive
Photograph Archive

e-200. Arkheologicheskie ekspeditsii Gosudarstvennoi akademii istorii material'noi kul'tury i Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR, 1919–1956 gg.: Ukazatel'. Compiled by O.I. Bich, et al. Edited by N.N. Voronin, et al. Moscow: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 264 p. [AN SSSR; IA] (Lib: IU; MH) [IDC-R-14,887].

This survey of the activities of Moscow and Leningrad archeological expeditions to study, preserve, and restore monuments, provides information about the different expeditions in chronological order—dates and locations, names of directors, results, the location of the collections and reports, and a bibliography of publications, thus correlating with the archival materials held by the Institute.

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Manuscript Archive

e-202. Peskareva, K.M.; and Vladimirova, T.T. “Rukopisnye arkhivy Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR.” Kratkie soobshcheniia Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR 163 (1980), pp. 87–92. (Also listed as e–30). (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

A history and short survey of major manuscript holdings in the archive of the Institute of Archeology in Leningrad (pp. 87–91). Also covers Moscow holdings.

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Photograph Archive

e-205. Anishchenko, Zh.G.; and Domanskaia, E.S. “Arkhivy fotodokumentov Instituta arkheologii.” Kratkie soobshcheniia Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR 163 (1980), pp. 93–98. (Also listed as e–31). (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

A short survey of major photographic collections in the Photograph Archive (pp. 93–97). Also covers Moscow holdings.

e-206. Tomes, T.B. “Fotoarkhiv nauchnogo uchrezhdeniia.” In Akademicheskie arkhivy SSSR za 50 let sovetskoi vlasti: (Trudy 1-go soveshchaniia arkhivistov Akademii nauk SSSR i akademii nauk soiuznykh respublik, 17–23 maia 1967 g., edited by B.V. Levshin, pp. 274–80. Moscow: “Nauka”, 1968. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

A short history of the Photograph Archive, its acquisitions, and the use of documents.

e-207. Devel', T.M. “Obozrenie kollektsii sobraniia fotoarkhiva Instituta istorii material'noi kul'tury im. N.Ia. Marra.” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1950, no. 12, pp. 290–336. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

Describes the history of the Photograph Archive and surveys the institutional and personal collections with emphasis on their coverage of territories throughout the former Russian Empire and USSR. Includes name and geographic indexes.

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e-209. Levina, R.Sh. “Istoriia Biblioteki Leningradskogo otdeleniia Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR (1919–1982 gg.).” In Iz istorii akademicheskikh bibliotek: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, pp. 139–59. Moscow, 1984. (Lib: DLC; MH).

e-210. Levina, R.Sh. “Iz istorii biblioteki LOIA.” Bibliotechno-bibliograficheskaia informatsiia bibliotek AN SSSR i akademii nauk, 1980, no. 163, pp. 80–87.

e-211. Tikhanova, M.A. “Biblioteka Leningradskogo otdeleniia Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR: (K 250-letiiu Biblioteki AN SSSR).” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1964, no. 4, pp. 170–72. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

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Finding Aids —  General — Unpublished:

e-214. Vasil'eva, Raisa Vasil'evna. “Dokumenty Rukopisnogo arkhiva LOIA: (Kratkii obzor fondov).” Leningrad, 1987. 29 p. Typescript.

A short guide to the fonds that were processed at the time of preparation.

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Finding Aids —  Specialized:

Most of the institutional fonds, personal fonds, and collections held by the Institute are listed in Spravochnik AN (1979)—Manuscript Division (pp. 34–38), Photograph Archive (pp. 38–44).

Photograph Archive

Photograph Archive

e-216. Devel', T.M.; and Tomes, T.B. “Sobranie N.Ia. Marra v fotoarkhive Leningradskogo otdeleniia Instituta arkheologii AN SSSR.” Istoriko-filologicheskii zhurnal AN Armianskoi SSR, 1971, no. 3 (54), pp. 289–95. (Lib: DLC; IU).

e-217. Dluzhnevskaia, Galina Vatslavna; Mavrina, S.P.; and Ovchinnikova, Bronislava Borisovna. Proshloe Urala v fotografiiakh: Katalog fotoarkhiva Instituta istorii material'noi kul'tury RAN. Edited by B.B. Ovchinnikova. Ekaterinburg: “Viroll LTD”, 1993. 196 p. [IIMK RAN; Kafedra istorii Rossii Ural'skogo gosuniversiteta; Muzei istorii Ural'skogo sel'khozinstituta] (Lib: DLC; IU).

Provides a short history of the Photograph Archive and its collections (pp. 3–6), and a survey of holdings relating to archeology, architecture, and history of the Ural region, including its metallurgical factories and their patrons (Demidovs and Stroganovs) (pp. 7–8). Precisely identifies photographs under the rubrics: archeology of the Urals (pp. 10–33), antiquities in museums and exhibits in the Urals (pp. 34–49), private collections of antiquities (pp. 50–59), materials for researchers (pp. 60–78), architecture (pp. 79–93), factories of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (pp. 94–106).

e-218. Dluzhnevskaia, Galina Vatslavna. “Sibirskie materialy v fotoarhive Instituta istorii material'noi kul'tury RAN (Sankt-Peterburg).” In Surgut. Sibir'. Rossiia: Mezhdunarodnaia nauchno-prakticheskaia konferentsiia, posviashchennaia 400-letiiu g. Surguta: Doklady i soobshcheniia (22–25 marta 1994 g.), pp. 311–16. Ekaterinburg, 1995. (Lib: DLC).

Surveys materials relating to Siberia in the collections of the Photograph Archive, starting with the 1930s.

e-219. Berezovskaiia, L.Iu.; and Dluzhnevskaia, Galina Vatslavna. “Materialy sibirskikh novostroechnykh ekspeditsii v fotoarkhive LOIA AN SSSR.” Iuzhnaia Sibir' v drevnosti: Arkheologicheskie izyskaniia 24 (1995), pp. 180–90. (Lib: MH).

Surveys materials from field expeditions in Siberia during the Soviet period.

e-220. Dluzhnevskaia, Galina Vatslavna. “Fond grafov Shuvalovykh v fotoarkhive Instituta istorii material'noi kul'tury RAN.” In Rossiia. Romanovy. Ural: Materialy nauchnykh chtenii, posviashchennykh pamiati velikhogo kniazia Nikolaia Mikhailovicha, pp. 123–27. Ekaterinburg, 1995. (Lib: DLC).

A survey of materials from the fond of the Shuvalov Palace-Museum.

e-221. Tomes, T.B. “Novye postupleniia v fotoarkhiv LOIA AN SSSR.” Sovetskaia arkheologiia, 1975, no. 2, pp. 315. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

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