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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-17

Last update of repository: 7 December 2020

Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv istoriko-politicheskikh dokumentov Sankt-Peterburga (TsGAIPD SPb)

Previous names
III–XII. 1991   Leningradskii institut istoriko-politicheskikh issledovanii—Partiinyi arkhiv
[Leningrad Institute of Historico-Political Research—Party Archive]
1945–XII.1991   Partiinyi arkhiv Instituta istorii partii Leningradskogo obkoma KPSS (LPA)
[Party Archive of the Institute of Party History of the Leningrad Oblast Committee of the CPSU]
1941–1945   Partiinyi arkhiv Leningradskogo obkoma i gorkoma VKP(b)
[Party Archive of the Leningrad Oblast and City Committees of the All-Russian CP]
1940–1941   Partiinyi arkhiv Leningradskogo obkoma VKP(b)
[Party Archive of the Leningrad Oblast Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party]
1934–1939   Leningradskoe otdelenie Tsentral'nogo partiinogo arkhiva (LO TsPA)
[Leningrad Division of the Central Party Archive]
1929–1934   Leningradskoe otdelenie Edinogo partiinogo arkhiva (LEPA)
[Leningrad Division of the Unified Party Archive]
The archive for Communist Party documentation from the Leningrad region was formally established in 1929 as the Leningrad Branch of the Unified Party Archive, on the basis of materials brought together during the 1920s by the Commission for the History of the October Revolution. Until 1934 the archive remained under the authority of the Party History Division (Istpartotdel) of the Leningrad Committee of the Russian Communist Party—RKP(b). From 1929 until 1945, with several variations of name and administrative affiliation, the Party Archive in Leningrad constituted a branch of the Central Party Archive under the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the RKP(b)/VKP(b).
        The most significant part of the archive was evacuated during the Second World War, although many local records that had not yet been accessioned by the archive were destroyed. Reorganized after World War II, starting in 1945, the local Party Archive was directly responsible to the Institute of the History of the Party of the Leningrad Oblast Party Committee of the CPSU, which remained a branch of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism (IML pri TsK KPSS). In March 1991, the Party Archive was reorganized under the newly established Leningrad Institute of Historico-Political Research.
        In December 1991, the archive was transferred to the authority of the Archival Administration of the St. Petersburg Mayor’s Office (which also accessioned remaining current records of local Party organs), and was renamed the Central State Archive of Historico-Political Documents of St. Petersburg (TsGAIPD SPb). A new building specially constructed for the Leningrad Party Archive was completed in 1991, not far from its post-war location in the Smol'nyi Monastery compound.

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