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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-01Last update of repository: 6 December 2020*Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie goroda Moskvy (Glavarkhiv Moskvy)Previous names
An independent archival administration in the city of Moscow was first established in 1962 as a separate division within the Moscow City Executive Committee (Mosgorispolkom), replacing the earlier consolidated archival administration for Moscow city and oblast. The first Moscow municipal archive was established in 1962 within the structure of the City Executive Committee. From 1963 to 1976, there was a single Central State Archive of the City of Moscow (Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv g. Moskvy—TsGA g. Moskvy), to which had been transferred the Soviet-period records from the Central State Archive of Moscow Oblast (TsGAMO). In 1976 TsGA g. Moskvy was divided into three separate central archives: the Central State Archive of the October Revolution and Socialist Construction of the City of Moscow (TsGAORSS g. Moskvy), the Central State Historical Archive of the City of Moscow (TsGIA g. Moskvy), and the Central State Archive of Documentary Films, Photographs, and Sound Recordings of the City of Moscow (TsGAKFFD g. Moskvy). In November 1988 the Archival Administration of the Moscow City Executive Committee was reorganized to the Moscow Consolidated Municipal Archives (Mosgorarkhiv) and three Moscow municipal archives were administratively reorganized with consolidated management under Mosgorarkhiv. At the end of 1989 Mosgorarkhiv and three Moscow municipal archives were brought together in a new building (ul. Profsoiuznaia, 80) and administratively reorganized with consolidated management under the Moscow City Executive Committee—and subsequently under the Mayor’s Office, as the Moscow Consolidated Municipal Archives (Mosgorarkhiv). Since 1997, Mosgorarkhiv came under the restructured municipal Government of Moscow. In 2003 Mosgorarkhiv was renamed the Main Archival Administration of the City of Moscow (Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie goroda Moskvy, Glavarkhiv Moskvy). After CPSU archives came under the administration of Roskomarkhiv in the fall of 1991, the local Moscow Party Archive became a fourth archive under Mosgorarkhiv (now Glavarkhiv). Remaining housed in its original building (ul. Mezhdunarodnaia, 10), it was renamed first the Central State Archive of Social Movements of Moscow (TsGAODM) and then in 1993 assumed the name of the Central Archive of Social Movements of Moscow (TsAODM, then subsequently, the Central Archive of Social-Political History of Moscow, TsAOPIM). In 1992 the audiovisual archive TsGAKFFD g. Moskvy was moved to that same facility, and in 1993 it was renamed the Central Moscow Archive for Documents on Special Media (TsMADSN, and then became part of the Central Archive of Electronic and Audio-Visual Documents of Moscow, TsAE i ADM). TsGAORSS g. Moskvy was renamed the Central Municipal Archive of Moscow (TsMAM, then Central Archive of the City of Moscow, TsAGM—see what is still D–1). In May 1993 three new archives were formally established as part of Mosgorarkhiv (now Glavarkhiv Moskvy) on the basis of specialized holdings within the previously existing archives and materials still under agency administration—the Central Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation (TsANTDM), located in the Profsiouznaia facility, the Central Archive of Literature and Art of Moscow (TsALIM, then abolished), and the Central Archive of Documentary Collections of Moscow (TsADKM, then the Central Moscow Archive-Museum of Personal Collections, TsMAMLS). TsMAMLS is devoted to personal papers, predominantly from the Soviet period, and has already acquired most of the personal fonds previously housed in TsMAM. An additional special archive for digital documentation—the Central Archive for Records on Electronic Media of Moscow (TsADENM, then part of the Central Archive of Electronic and Audio-Visual Documents of Moscow, TsAE i ADM) was established in 2002. In 2002 an additional special archive was established for digital documentation—the Central Archive for Records on Electronic Media of Moscow (TsADENM). In 2003 Mosgorarkhiv renamed Main Archival Administration of the City of Moscow (Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie goroda Moskvy, Glavarkhiv Moskvy). Another major reorganization of municipal archives occurred in January 2005. The Central Municipal Archive of Moscow (TsMAM) was renamed the Central Archive of the City of Moscow (Tsentral'nyi arkhiv goroda Moskvy—TsAGM); the Central Archive of Social Movements of Moscow (TsAODM) was renamed the Central Archive of Social-Political History of Moscow (Tsentral'nyi arkhiv obshchestvenno-politicheskoi istorii Moskvy—TsAOPIM). At the same time, the Central Archive of Literature and Art of Moscow (TsALIM) was abolished, and its holdings were transferred—part to TsAGM and part to TsAOPIM. The other municipal archives remain unaffected by these changed. TsAGM took over the main archival holdings of the now abolished TsALIM, along with its acquisition records and reference system, all of which remain housed in the former TsALIM building (ul. Mezhdunarodnaia, 10). The Central Archive of Electronic and Audio-Visual Documents (Tsentral'nyi arkhiv elektronnykh i audiovizual'nykh dokumentov Moskvy—TsAE i ADM) was established on the base of the Central Archive of Audio-Visual Documents (TsAADM) and the Central Archive for Records on Electronic Media of Moscow (TsADENM) in Febrary 2008. The Central Archive for Documents of Working Activity of Citizens of Moscow (Tsentral'nyi arkhiv dokumentov o trudovoi deiatel'nosti grazhdan goroda Moskvy, TsADTDGM, now TsGATO Moskvy, D-7) was established the same year for personnel records and related staff documentation. With the April 2013 reorganization of municipal archives under Main Archival Administration of the City of Moscow (Glavarkhiv Moskvy), the Central State Archive of the city of Moscow (TsGA Moskvy—D–1), was reconstituted to include what recently had comprised six Moscow separate city archives: the Central Archive of the City of Moscow (TsAGM), the Central Historical Archive of Moscow (TsIAM), the Central Archive of Social-Political History of Moscow (TsAOPIM), the Central Archive of Electronic and Audio-Visual Documents of Moscow (TsAE i ADM), the Central Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation (TsANTDM), and the Central Moscow Archive-Museum of Personal Collections, TsMAMLS). Simultaneously, what had been since its foundation in 2008 the Central Archive for Personnel Labor Records of Moscow Citizens (TsADTDGM) was renamed the Central State Archive of Labor Relations of the city of Moscow (TsGATO Moskvy—D-7). |