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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-8Last update of repository: 14 March 2020Tsentral'nyi arkhiv Ministerstva vnutrennikh del RF (Tretii otdel Tsentra reabilitatsii zhertv politicheskikh repressii i arkhivnoi informatsii Glavnogo informatsionno-analiticheskogo tsentra MVD RF) (TsA MVD Rossii)Go to: • Finding Aids — General — Unpublished Finding Aids — Published — General:
Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 307-10; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 243-45. A new short guide to MVD records in the archive was issued in late 1998, but it remains classified “DSP&кdquo; (for internal use only), and has not yet been released to the public.
Category: For the structure of those parts of the agency and its predecessors that dealt with the security police and related organs (1917–1960), in relation to the records created, see b–28/c–105. See also the important directory of GULAG and corrective labor camps under the NKVD–MVD with indication of archival records relating to them: Sistema ispravitel'no-trudovykh lagerei v SSSR, 1923–1960: Spravochnik (Moscow, 1998).
c-130. Borisov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; Detkov, Mikhail Grigor'evich; and Nekrasov, Vladimir Filippovich. Organy i voiska MVD Rossii: Kratkii istoricheskii ocherk. Moscow: Ob"edinennaia redaktsiia MVD Rossii, 1996. 462 p. (Lib: MH). A narrative history of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared by the Ministry itself. The first part of the book is devoted to the prerevolutionary (since the formation of the Ministry in 1801), and the second—and largest part—to the postrevolutionary period. The book lacks citations to sources, but includes an appended list of major laws and decrees affecting the Ministry and illustrated capsule biographic notes about successive ministers. Finding Aids — General — Unpublished:
c-131. “Spravka o sostave i soderzhanii arkhivnykh dokumentov tsentral'nogo apparata MVD SSSR.” Moscow, 1988. 85 p. [MVD SSSR]. A still-classified directory of groups records of the central apparatus and other agencies within the NKVD–MVD SSSR (from 1934), predominantly those already transferred to state archives (such as GA RF, RGAE, RGVA, and regional archives). The directory is still classified for internal use only (DSP) and is normally not communicated to researchers. |