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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-8Last update of repository: 14 March 2020Tsentral'nyi arkhiv Ministerstva vnutrennikh del RF (Tretii otdel Tsentra reabilitatsii zhertv politicheskikh repressii i arkhivnoi informatsii Glavnogo informatsionno-analiticheskogo tsentra MVD RF) (TsA MVD Rossii)Access & Facilities Access The archive has no reading room and does not communicate documents to researchers, and none of the card files or other reference facilities are open for outside research purposes. The MVD is prepared to answer limited inquiries, depending on the level of secrecy of the documents or files involved, according to internal MVD regulations. Inquiries or requests for specific information or documents should be addressed in writing to the Main Information Center indicating the purpose and concrete subject of research and the specific documents desired. Inquiries regarding rehabilitation of repressed individuals and their relatives should be addressed to the Center for Archival Information and Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression. Citizens and representatives of organizations and institutions should apply to the archive with an official letter indicating the name and purpose of inquiry. Inquiries from the press and cultural organizations should be addressed to the separate MVD Administration for Information, Regional and Public Relations. Limited access to records (or reports thereof) is granted according to MVD regulations. Working conditions There is no reading room, and researchers are not normally received for work within the archive. If a research or journalist inquiry is accepted, archivists are prepared to conduct thematic searches. Copy facilities Xerox facilities are available. Reference facilities The archive under the Main Information Center has a central card file of those arrested between the years 1920 and 1990 with over 25,000,000 cards, which also serves as the central reference facility for the archives. Opisi and registration journals are available for archival units (some of which are of restricted access). There are a number of specialized reference aids, including a detailed guide to the locations of archives of liquidated prison, penal, and labor camps. There are card catalogues for personal files of former personnel of the central apparatus of the MVD RSFSR and MVD SSSR and their subordinates. Work is underway to establish a computer database for the fond of orders (prikazy). Library facilities The reference library consists of miscellaneous and unorganized publications, including many books and journals. |