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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-5Last update of repository: 3 December 2020Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota (RGAVMF)Go to: • Finding Aids — General — Unpublished • Finding Aids — Specialized Finding Aids — Published — General:
Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 202-207; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 163-67; Fed. arkhivy NSA (1994), pp. 49-56; GA SSSR Spravochnik (1989), pp. 33-40; G&K Spravochnik (1983), pp. 32-33; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 138-42; Biblioteki SPb (1993), p. 201. The register of prerevolutionary archival fonds and opisi (1696–1917) is available electronically on the website: https://rgavmf.ru/spravochniki-po-fon.... The lists of all fonds and opisi are available on RGAVMF website: https://rgavmf.ru/fond.
b-229. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota: Putevoditel'. Compiled by T.P. Mazur, et al. Edited by S.V. Cherniavskii, V.G. Smirnov, et al. 2 vols. St. Petersburg: Giperion, 2013, 2017. [RGAVMF; Rosarkhiv]. The guide contains information about 89 fonds (vol. 1) and 87 fonds (vol. 2) of central departments and their subordinate institutions of the Navy department from 1696 to 1918 and 6 fonds (vol. 2) of Navy educational institutions from 1701 to 1918.
b-230. Mazur, Tamara Petrovna. [Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota]: Annotirovannyi reestr opisei fondov (1696–1917). Edited by M.E. Malevinskaia. St. Petersburg: “Blits”, 1996. 512 p. Added title page and preface in English. [RGAVMF] (Lib: IU; MH). Provides brief annotations of 1,816 opisi for 1,260 prerevolutionary fonds from the establishment of the Russian Navy until 1917.
b-231. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota SSSR: (Dokumental'nye materialy dorevoliutsionnogo flota Rossii): Tematicheskii putevoditel'. Compiled by V.E. Nadvodskii. Edited by I.N. Solov'ev. Leningrad: TsGAVMF, 1966. 314 p. This guide, organized by major subjects rather than fonds, was originally issued “for service use only” (DSP), but is now accessible to researchers and available in a microfiche edition.
b-232. “Voenno-morskaia sektsiia: II—Morskoi otdel.” In Arkhivy SSSR. Leningradskoe otdelenie Tsentral'nogo istoricheskogo arkhiva: Putevoditel' po fondam, edited by A.K. Drezene, pp. 197–248. Leningrad: Lenoblizdat, 1933. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-in R-10,816]. A summary description of the prerevolutionary naval holdings, which at that time were still a division of the Central Historical Archive (see b–139). Includes brief descriptions and bibliographic references to published inventories and related publications. Guides to Postrevolutionary Holdings
b-233. Malevinskaia, Marina Evgen'evna. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota (1917–1940): Spravochnik po fondam. Edited by T.P. Mazur. 3 vols. St. Petersburg: “Blits”, 1995–2016. 416 p.; 237 p.; 248 p. Added English title page and preface. Vol. 2 subtitle: Spravochnik po fondam: Korabli i suda (1917–1940 gg.). Vol. 3. Compiled by S.V. Terenina, O.A. Zotova, V.P. Tsiplenkin. Edited by M.E. Malevinskaia. [RGAVMF] “Morskoi sbornik.” (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). An annotated, expanded, and redited version of the 1991 guide (b–234). The first volume annotates records of the Provisional Government and Civil War period, central naval agencies, and the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern, and Pacific Fleets during the pre-World War II period, as well as personal papers. Includes a summary list of fonds by number, references to ships, and name and geographic indexes. The second volume covers records of individual ships.
b-233.1. Spravochnik po fondam. Baltiiskii flot (1917–1940). St. Petersburg, 2010?.
b-233.2. Spravochnik po fondam. Severnyi flot (1917–1940). St. Petersburg, 2010?.
b-233.3. Spravochnik po fondam. Tikhookeanskii flot (1917–1940). St. Petersburg, 2010?.
b-233.4. Spravochnik po fondam. Chernomorskii flot (1917–1940). St. Petersburg, 2010?.
b-233.5. Spravochnik po fondam. Flotilii (1917–1940). St. Petersburg, 2010?.
b-234. Spravochnik po fondam Sovetskogo Voenno-Morskogo Flota. Compiled by I.I. Efremova and M.E. Malevinskaia. 2 vols. Leningrad, 1991. vii, 547, iv p. Typescript. [Glavarkhiv; TsGAVMF] (Lib: DLC). Indexes include list by fond numbers, personal names (pp. 471–74), ships (pp. 475–85), place names (pp. 450–70), and subjects (key word) (pp. 404–49). History and Surveys of Fonds
b-236. Sokrovishchnitsa na Millionnoi: Ocherk. Compiled by M.E. Malevinskaia and T.P. Mazur. Leningrad: Andreevskii flag, 1994. 56 p. “Morskoi panteon.” (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). A collection in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy and the 270th anniversary of RGAVMF. Provides a brief history of the archive and survey of its holdings.
b-237. Dremina, Galina Andreevna. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo Flota SSSR: Uchebnoe posobie. Edited by V.V. Maksakov. Moscow: MGIAI, 1961. 43 p. A short description of the development of the archive with mention of some of its holdings. Bibliography
b-238. Rossiiskii flot (1720–1917): Bibliografiia spravochnykh izdanii Morskogo vedomstva/The Russian Navy (1720–1917): Bibliographical Reference Book of Publications of the Department of the Navy. Compiled by N.G. Sergeeva. Edited by T.S. Fedorova. St. Petersburg: “Blits”, 1995. 154 p. [RGAVMF] (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). A comprehensive bibliography of prerevolutionary publications of naval agencies held in the RGAVMF library. Includes all prerevolutionary published finding aids, documentary publications, and other reference publications covering archival holdings. An appendix lists published glossaries. Subject, name, and geographic indexes. Finding Aids — General — Unpublished:
b-239. “Ukazatel' fondov dorevoliutsionnogo Voenno-Morskogo Flota.” Compiled by N.A. Kalinina, et al. Leningrad, 1964. 159 p. Typescript. A helpful listing of prerevolutionary fonds in the archive. Now updated and expanded by an annotated list of opisi (b–230).
b-240. “Otdel fondov Sovetskogo Voenno-Morskogo Flota.” Compiled by N.A. Kalinina, et al. Leningrad, 1962. 239 p. Typescript. A helpful listing of fonds of the Soviet period, but only those already open for research as of 1962. Now superseded by b–233. Finding Aids — Specialized:See additional bibliography of specialized finding aids in Fed. arkhivy NSA (1994), pp. 50–56 and even more comprehensively in b–138. For holdings pertaining to the Russian Orthodox Church, see Ist. RPTs (1995), pp. 119–20. For materials relating to Lomonosov, see article by Andreev, A.I., et al: “Obozrenie rukopisei Lomonosova i materialov o nem, khraniashchikhsia v moskovskikh i leningradskikh arkhivakh, muzeiakh i bibliotekakh.” In Lomonosov: Sbornik statei i materialov, vol. 3, pp. 457–70 (Moscow/Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1951).See the database for personnel files in fonds held by RGAVMF on the website “Arkhivy Rossii”: http://ls.rusarchives.ru/.
b-244. Opisanie del arkhiva Morskogo ministerstva za vremia s poloviny XVII do nachala XIX stoletiia. 10 vols. St. Petersburg, 1877–1906. (Lib: DLC; IU[vols. 1, 3, 4, 6]; MH) [IDC-R-10,679]. The inventories cover various divisions of the Naval Ministry with documentation from 1659 to 1827 in rough chronological order (divided by source of documents rather than by date). Individual volumes, which vary between 650 and 1,100 pages in length, are indexed separately by subject, geographic and ship names, personal names, and year of documents. Correlated references to the fonds covered by individual volumes are provided in b–230 and b–232.
b-245. [Opisanie delam . . . khraniashchimsia v Glavnom morskom arkhive]. 11 (in 13) vols. St. Petersburg: Tip. Morskogo kadetskogo korpusa, 1853–1858. (Lib: MH[mf]) [IDC-see nos. for individual vols.]. A series of detailed inventories covering various series of files from the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Copies are available in the reading room as well as on IDC microfiche.
b-245.1. Opis' delam Artilleriiskogo departamenta Morskogo ministerstva, 1827–1852 g. St. Petersburg, 1857. 117 p. [IDC-R-10,793].
b-245.2. Opis' delam departamenta korabel'nykh lesov Morskogo ministerstva, khraniashchimsia v Glavnom morskom arkhive, 1799–1853 g. St. Petersburg, 1858. 96 p. [IDC-R-10,794].
b-245.3. Opis' delam Glavnogo meditsinskogo upravleniia Morskogo ministerstva, khraniashchimsia v arkhive ministerstva. [St. Petersburg, 1853–1856]. 36 p. [IDC-R-10,795].
b-245.4. Opis' delam Inspektorskogo departamenta Morskogo ministerstva, khraniashchimsia v Glavnom morskom arkhive. [St. Petersburg, 1853–1856]. [IDC-R-10,796].
b-245.5. Opis' delam i zhurnalam bumag voenno-pokhodnoi E.I.V. kantseliarii po morskoi chasti i delam kantseliarii Morskogo ministerstva. St. Petersburg, 1856. 197 p. [IDC-R-10,797].
b-245.6. Opis' delam Kantseliarii flota general-intendanta, khraniashchimsia v obshchem arkhive Morskogo ministerstva, 1827–1855. St. Petersburg, 1859. 90 p. [IDC-R-10,728].
b-245.7. Opis' delam Korabel'nogo departamenta Morskogo ministerstva, khraniashchimsia v Glavnom morskom arkhive. St. Petersburg, 1851. 229 p. [IDC-R-10,799].
b-245.8. Opis' delam Upravleniia general-gidrografa i Gidrograficheskogo departamenta Morskogo ministerstva, 1827–1852 gg. St. Petersburg, 1857. 137 p. [IDC-R-10,800].
b-245.9. Opis' shkanechnykh zhurnalov s 1719 po 1853 god i reestr klerkskim protokolam i zhurnalam kantseliarii flagmanov, s 1723 g. po 1826 g. St. Petersburg, 1856. 199 p. [IDC-R-10,801].
b-245.10. Opisi delam uprazdnennykh v 1836 g. Kantseliarii Morskogo ministra, Admiralteistv-soveta i kantseliarii Nachal'nika Glavnogo morskogo shtaba Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva, 1827–1836 gg. [St. Petersburg, 1853–1856]. 149 p. 168 p. (Lib: DLC) [IDC-R-10,802].
b-245.11. Opisi delam i dokumentam Komissii dlia sostavleniia smetnykh ischislenii na postroenie korablei i drugikh sudov, 1824–1827 gg. i delam i zhurnalam Korablestroitel'nogo i uchetnogo komiteta, 1827–1852 gg. St. Petersburg, 1857. 234 p. [IDC-R-10,803].
b-246. Opisanie starinnykh atlasov, kart i planov XVI, XVII, XVIII i poloviny XIX vv. khraniashchikhsia v arkhive Tsentral'nogo kartograficheskogo proizvodstva VMF. Compiled by V.V. Kolgushkin. [Leningrad], 1958. 270 p. [Upravlenie nachal'nika geograficheskoi sluzhby] [IDC-R-10,804]. This comprehensive catalogue updates the earlier prerevolutionary catalogues, the first published in two volumes (1849–1852), and subsequent ones in several different editions between 1868 and 1900.
b-247. Avtografy Petra Velikogo v fondakh RGAVMF: Katalog. Compiled by T.P. Mazur. Edited by V.S. Sobolev. St. Petersburg, 2002. 151 p. [Rosarkhiv; Niderl.-Ros. arkhivnyi tsentr Universiteta g. Graningen; RGAVMF] (Lib: GARF-NB). Sources Relating to Jew
b-250. Dokumenty po istorii i kul'ture evreev v arkhivakh Sankt-Peterburga: Putevoditel'/Jewish Documentary Sources in Saint Petersburg Archives: A Guide. Compiled by A.I. Ivanov, M.S. Kupovetskii and A.E. Lokshin. Edited by A.I. Ivanov, M.S. Kupovetskii and A.E. Lokshin. 3 vols. St. Petersburg: Mir, 2011–2017. A publication of Project Judaica. [RGGU; Rosarkhiv; RGIA; RGAVMF; Jewish Theological Seminary of America (New York)]. The first volume describes archival materials related to jews history and culture held in 22 fonds and collections of RGAVMF. |