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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-15Last update of repository: 3 December 2020Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv v g. Samare (RGA v g. Samare)Access & Facilities Access Most documents are open for research. See Biulleten' rassekrechennykh dokumentov federal'nykh arkhivov [i tsentrov khraneniia dokumentatsii] (Moscow, 1998–), vyp. 8, 10, 11, 12 for fonds of the former Samara branch of RGANTD, that have been declassified through 1998–2010. See also the database of the declassified files and documents of federal state archives on the website “Arkhivy Rossii”: http://unsecret.rusarchives.ru/. Working conditions The reading room is equipped with microfilm and microfiche readers. Researchers can order 20 files (no more than 1,500 folios) of scientific-technical documentation or 500 folios of personal papers; or 10 units of film, electronic and audio records. Orders are normally delivered not more than 2 working days. Copy facilities Xerox, photographic copying, and microfiche facilities are available. Reference facilities The archive has a systematic card catalogue, a catalogue of industrial and technical objects, a card catalogue of personal names, and an automated catalogue of patents. Library facilities The library now holds a total of 7,434 books and brochures, 3,776 journals, 31 complexes of newspapers, along with additional archival methodological and reference literature. There are alphabetical and subject card catalogues of periodical and methodological textbooks (website: http://rga-samara.ru/activity/library...). |