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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-11

Last update of repository: 3 December 2020

Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv kinofotodokumentov (RGAKFD)

[Russian State Archive of Documentary Films and Photographs]

Agency: Federal'noe arkhivnoe agentstvo Rossii (Rosarkhiv)
[Federal Archival Agency of Russia]

Address: 143400, Moskovskaia Oblast, Krasnogorsk, ul. Rechnaia, 1

Telephone: +7 495 562-14-64

Fax: +7 495 562-14-64

Reading room: +7 495 563-14-63 (films), +7 495 563-39-96 (photos), +7 495 563-39-37 (for foreign researchers)

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://rgakfd.ru/;  http://www.rusarchives.ru/federal/rga...;  http://www.russianarchives.com/archiv...  (Eng)

Opening hours: M–Th 9:00–17:00, F 9:00–16:00

Transport: metro: Tushinskaia + bus 542, 542P, marshrutka 120, 210, 566 to the stop “Gosarkhiv”; metro: Mitino + marshrutka 66, 492, 878 to the stop “Gosarkhiv”; suburban train from Riga (Rizhskii) Station to Pavshino

Director: Natal'ia Aleksandrovna Kalantarova (tel. +7 495 562-14-64)

Deputy Director, Main Curator: Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Beliakova (tel. +7 495 563-38-38)

Head of Photograph Reading Room: Marina Anatol'evna Chertilina (tel. +7 495 563-39-96; e-mail [email protected])

Head of Film Reading Room: Natal'ia Nikolaevna Akulina (tel. +7 495 563-14-63; e-mail [email protected])

Head of Reading Room for Foreign Researchers: Elena Konstantinovna Kolikova (tel. +7 495 563-39-37; e-mail [email protected])

The present organization of the archive dates from 1992 as a result of the amalgamation of the former TsGAKFD SSSR in Krasnogorsk and TsGAKFFD RSFSR in Vladimir (founded in 1978), at which time the Vladimir facility became a branch of RGAKFD. In 1997, the Vladimir Branch was abolished and its holdings all transferred and integrated with those in Krasnogorsk.
        As the centralized state repository for documentary films, newsreels, and photographs, RGAKFD acquires and preserves copies of complete films and episodes in film footage or documentary outtakes produced by state film studios. It also holds photographs and negatives from information agencies, large newspapers, and magazines, predominantly from the Soviet period, although chronologically materials in the archive date back to the second part of the nineteenth century.
        The archival holdings are important not only as historical sources but as valuable examples of film and photographic art. The archive retains the artistic productions of such prominent Soviet cinematographers as E.I. Shub, D. Vertov (D.A. Kaufman), I.P. Kopalin, R.L. Karmen, A.P. Dovzhenko, M.I. Romm, and S.A. Gerasimov, along with photographs by A. Savel'ev, M. Sherling, and M. Nappel'baum.
        The holdings from the RGAKFD branch in Vladimir (formerly TsGAKFFD RSFSR) contain documentary films and photographs of particular significance for the RSFSR, and now the Russian Federation, from republic- (and now federative-) level sources, such as studios for newsreels and sound recordings, from oblast television and radio broadcasting companies and from private citizens. These reflect social, political, economic, and cultural events from the late nineteenth century to the present.

N.B. Collecting feature, animated, and some popular science films in the Soviet period was the function of the parallel central repository, Gosfil'mofond (C–22), and hence such productions are not found in RGAKFDD. Documentary films and photographs also are held in several other federal and agency archives such as RGANTD (former RNITsKD, B–9), RGASPI (former RTsKhIDNI, B–12), and Gosteleradiofond (C–23)—especially 16mm and videocassettes used for television.

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