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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-22

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi fond kinofil'mov RF (Gosfil'mofond Rossii/GFF)

[State Fond of Motion Pictures]

Agency: Ministerstvo kul'tury Rossiiskoi Federatsii
[Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation]

Address: 142050, Moskovskaia Oblast, Domodedovo, Belye Stolby, prosp. Gosfil'mofonda

Telephone: +7 495 980-44-86

Fax: +7 495 925-35-70

Reading room: Card Catalogue of Forein Fond: +7 495 996-05-13, Card Catalogue of Domestic Fond: +7 495 996-05-14



Opening hours: M–Th 8:30–17:30, F 8:30–15:00

Transport: suburban train from Paveletskii Station

General Director: Nikolai Alekseevich Malakov (tel. +7 495 980-44-86)

Deputy General Director: Alan Sergeevich Ardasenov

About Gosfil'mofond Rossii/GFF
Established in 1948, Gosfil'mofond serves as a centralized repository for the collection and storage of depository copies and negatives of all artistic, popular science, and other feature films and shorts, as well as some documentary films and animated films—by 1993 totaling some 50,000 titles, together with related film footage and editing outtakes, produced in the former Soviet Union. Before 2000, Gosfilmofond operated under the State Committee for Cinematography (Goskino), but since then the functions of the State Committee and with it Gosfil'mofond have been under the Ministry of Culture.
        Since 1991, Gosfil'mofond collects films from Soviet successor states and other and foreign countries. Owing to the privatization of film production, however, and the extent to which many post-1991 films have been produced as joint ventures, Gosfil'mofond has not succeeded in acquiring copies (and related archival materials) of all recent films.
        In addition to the films themselves, Gosfil'mofond also has an extensive collection of scenarios, film posters, photographs, press clippings, scrapbooks, set designs, production files covering 4,572 films, and other documentation on the history of film. It holds the personal papers of the filmmakers and directors, as well as film critics and scholars. It retains individual personal record cards on the major figures of Soviet cinematography. Gosfil'mofond provides an important center for film research, with an extensive cataloguing and publication program.

N.B. Documentary films and newsreels are normally retained by RGAKFD (B–11), while films produced specifically for television are preserved by Gosteleradiofond (C–23).

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