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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-0Last update of repository: 3 December 2020*Federal'noe arkhivnoe agentstvo Rossii (Rosarkhiv)Go to: • Finding Aids — Specialized Finding Aids — Published — General:
Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 157-61; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 133-36; PKG Handbook (1989), pp. 8-14, 28-38; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 23-60. The inter-archival on-line projects see at http://archives.ru/on-line-project.shtml. For documents of Soviet epoch see the website: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru/.
b-0.5. Baza dannykh po mestam khraneniia dokumentov po lichnomu sostavu. Moscow, 2019?. New Internet project of Rosarkhiv. Internet Reference Systems and Databases
b-0.1. Tsentral'nyi Fondovyi Katalog/Central Catalogue of Fonds. Moscow, 2011. A centralized information system with reference to all archival fonds held in federal, state, and municipal archives, which form part of the overall official Archival Fond of the Russian Federation. As of December 2016 the database contains over 825,000 fonds.
b-0.2. Putevoditeli po arkhivam Rossii/Guides to Russian Archives. Moscow, 2006–. The Internet database provides online public access to searchable listings now encompassing recent published guides to selected Russian state archives, with brief annotations of ca. 230,000 archival fonds (record groups). It includes digital versions of 34 recent guides to 10 of the 14 Federal Archives. For regional archives another 101 recent guides are included.
b-0.3. Baza dannykh rassekrechennykh del i dokumentov federal'nykh gosudarstvennykh arkhivov/Database of Declassified Files and Records in Federal State Archives. Moscow, 2013. As of November 2016 the database contains over 83,000 files, 8,990 documents from 9 federal archives.
b-0.4. Gosudarstvennyi reestr unikal'nykh dokumentov Arkhivnogo fonda Rossiiskoi Federatsii/State register of unique documents in the Archival Fond of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2013–. As of October 2019 the database contains description of 750 especially valuable unique documents in 14 federal and 22 state archives of the Russian Federation that are listed in the State Register of Unique Documents. Finding Aids — Specialized:
b-0.8. Mezharkhivnyi ukazatel' “Dokumenty po istorii Otechestvennoi voiny 1812 g.”. Moscow: Rosarkhiv, 2012. [RGVIA; RGADA; RGAVMF; TsIAM].
b-0.9. Ukrainskie natsionalisticheskie organizatsii v gody Vtoroi mirovoi voiny. Dokumenty. Compiled by V.I. Korotaev, T.V. Tsarevskaia-Diakina, I.A. Ziuzina, et al. Edited by A.N. Artizov. 2 vols. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2012. [Rosarkhiv; RGASPI; GA RF; AP RF; TsAMO; Upravlenie registratsii i arkhivnykh fondov FSB Rossii; Arkhiv SVR Rossii].