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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-551Last update of repository: 27 November 2020Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv g. Sevastopolia[State Archive of the City of Sevastopol]Agency: Upravlenie arkhivnym delom v gorode Sevastopole [Administration of Archival Affairs in the City of Sevastopol] Address: 299059, Sevastopol, prosp. Geroev Stalingrada, 64 Telephone: +7 869-2 41-64-47, +7 869-2 42-17-97 Fax: +7 869-2 41-64-47 Reading room: +7 978 069-96-08 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://sevarchiv.ru/ Opening hours: M–Th 9:00–18:00, F 9:00–16:45; RdngRm no. 1: (ul. Generala Ostriakova, 36A) MTuTh 10:00–17:00; RdngRm no. 2: (prosp. Geroev Stalingrada, 64) W 10:00–17:00, F 10:00–16:00 Director: Irina Vladimirovna Krasnonos (tel. +7 869-2 41-66-45) Deputy Director: Iuliia Borisovna Belik (tel. +7 869-2 41-05-40) |