2007-2014 |
Otdel sotsial'no-pravovoi dokumentatsii Arkhivnoi sluzhby Kabardino-Balkarskoi Respubliki (OSPD)
[Division for Socio-Legal Documentation of the Archival Service of the Kabardin-Balkar Republic]
2006–2007 |
Upravlenie khraneniia dokumentov po lichnomu sostavu Arkhivnoi sluzhby Kabardino-Balkarskoi Respubliki (UKhDLS)
[Administration for Preservation of Personnel Records of the Archival Service of the Kabardin-Balkar Republic]
1993–2006 |
Tsentr khraneniia dokumentov po lichnomu sostavu Kabardino-Balkarskoi respubliki (TsKhDLS)
[Center for Preservation of Personnel Records of the Kabardin-Balkar Republic]