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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-445

Last update of repository: 26 November 2020

Samarskii oblastnoi gosudarstvennyi tekhnotronnyi arkhiv (SOGTA)

[Samara Oblast State Technotronic Archive]

Agency: Upravlenie Gosudarstvennoi arkhivnoi sluzhby Samarskoi oblasti
[Administration of the State Archival Service of Samara Oblast]

Address: 443096, Samara Oblast, Samara, ul. Michurina, 13

Telephone: +7 846 265-08-63

Fax: +7 846 341-44-70

E-mail: sogta@regsamarh.ru

Website: http://www.regsamarh.ru/sogta/

Opening hours: M–Th 8:00–17:00, F 8:00–16:00

Transport: bus: 1, 22, 24, 34, 41, 46, 67, trol.: 4, 15 to stop “Torgovyi tsentr Akvarium”

Head: Mikhail Aleksandrovich Rylatko (tel. +7 846 265-08-63)

Deputy Director: Tat'iana Mikhailovna Galkina (tel. +7 846 265-08-63)

Deputy Director, Head of Laboratory for Preservation of Archival Records: Dmitrii Iur'evich Breusov (tel. +7 846 265-08-63)

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