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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-284

Last update of repository: 18 November 2020

Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv noveishei istorii Kaliningradskoi oblasti (GANIKO)

Previous names
1991–2007   Tsentr khraneniia i izucheniia dokumentov noveishei istorii Kaliningradskoi oblasti (TsKhIDNIKO)
[Center for Preservation and Study of Records of Contemporary History of Kaliningrad Oblast]
1949–1991   Partiinyi arkhiv Kaliningradskogo obkoma VKP(b)–KPSS–KP RSFSR (KPA)
[Party Archive of the Kaliningrad Oblast Committee of the CPSU]
????–2006   Kaliningradskii oblastnoi ob"edinennyi mezhvedomstvennyi arkhiv dokumentov po lichnomu sostavu
[Kaliningrad Oblast United Interdepartmental Archive for the Personnel Files]

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