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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-123

Last update of repository: 26 October 2020

Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial'no-pravovykh dokumentov Udmurtskoi Respubliki (GASPD UR)

[State Archive of Social-Legal Documents of the Udmurt Republic]

Agency: Komitet po delam arkhivov pri Pravitel'stve Udmurtskoi Respubliki
[Committee for Archival Affairs under the Government of the Udmurt Republic]

Address: 426075, Izhevsk, ul. Kambarskaia, 17

Telephone: +7 341-2 90-83-38

Fax: +7 341-2 90-83-38

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://gasur.ru/archives/gku-gaspd/

Opening hours: M–Th 8:30–17:30, F 8:30–16:30; RdngRm: M–Th 9:30–17:00, F 9:30–16:00

Director: Natal'ia Vladimirovna Vasilechko (tel. +7 3412 90-83-38)

Deputy Director: Elena Vasil'evna Gorbushina (tel. +7 3412 90-82-89)

The archive was established in 2003.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted