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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-075

Last update of repository: 21 October 2020

*Ministerstvo kul'tury, turizma i arkhivnogo dela Respubliki Komi

Previous names
2004–2016   Arkhivnoe agentstvo Respubliki Komi
[Archival Agency of the Komi Republic]
1994–2004   Arkhivnoe upravlenie Respubliki Komi (AU RK)
[Archival Administration of the Komi Republic]
1991–1994   Arkhivnoe upravlenie pri Sovete Ministrov Respubliki Komi
[Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the Komi Republic]
1981–1991   Arkhivnoe upravlenie pri Sovete Ministrov Komi ASSR (AU pri SM Komi ASSR)
[Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the Komi Autonomous SSR]
1961–1981   Arkhivnye otdel pri Sovete Ministrov Komi ASSR (AO pri SM Komi ASSR)
[Archival Division under the Council of Ministers of the Komi Autonomous SSR]
1939–1961   Arkhivnye otdel NKVD–MVD Komi ASSR (AO NKVD–MVD Komi ASSR)
[Archival Division of NKVD–MVD of the Komi Autonomous SSR]
1937–1939   Arkhivnoe upravlenie Komi ASSR
[Archival Administration of the Komi Autonomous SSR]
1936–1937   Arkhivnoe upravlenie Komi AO
[Archival Administration of the Komi Autonomous Oblast]
1924–1936   Oblastnoe arkhivnoe biuro pri Prezidiume Komi oblispolkoma
[Oblast Archival Bureau under Presidium of the Komi Oblast Executive Committee]

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