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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-07

Last update of repository: 15 October 2020

*Komitet po delam zapisi aktov grazhdanskogo sostoiania i arkhivov Respubliki Altai

[Committee for Affairs of Registration of Vital Statistics and Archives of the Republic of Altai]

Agency: Pravitel'stvo Respubliki Altai (Pravitel'stvo RA)
[Government of the Republic of Altai]

Address: 649000, Gorno-Altaisk, ul. Erkimena Palkina, 1; ul. Chaptynova, 24

Telephone: +7 388-22 2-27-17

Fax: +7 388-22 4-73-28, +7 388-22 6-35-58

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://arhiv-ra.ru/

Opening hours: M–F 9:00–18:00

Transport: bus: to stop “Ploshchad' im. V.I. Lenina”

Chairman: Nataliia Petrovna Antaradonova (tel. +7 388-22 2-27-17)

Head of the Division of Archival Affairs: Marina Alekseevna Iakovleva (tel. +7 388-22 6-35-58)

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted