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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-0525

Last update of repository: 27 November 2020

*Otdel po rabote s arkhivami Komiteta kul'tury Volgogradskoi oblasti

[Division for Work with Archives of the Committee of Culture of Volgograd Oblast]

Agency: Komitet kul'tury Volgogradskoi oblasti
[Committee of Culture of Volgograd Oblast]

Address: 400066, Volgograd Oblast, Volgograd, ul. Kommunisticheskaia, 30; pl. Pavshikh bortsov, 2 (Committee of Culture)

Telephone: +7 844-2 30-99-13, +7 844-2 30-99-22

Fax: +7 844-2 35-37-01

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://culture.volganet.ru  (Committee of Culture)

Opening hours: M–Th 8:30–17:30, F 8:30–16:30

Chairman of the Committee: Stanislav Valer'evich Malykh (tel. +7 844-2 35-37-00)

Head of the Division for Work with Archives: Sergei Anatol'evich Goncharov (tel. +7 844-2 30-99-22)

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted