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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-0347

Last update of repository: 23 November 2020

*Arkhivnoe agentstvo Departamenta administrativnykh organov Magadanskoi oblasti

[Archival Agency of the Department of Administrative Agencies of Magadan Oblast]

Agency: Departamenta administrativnykh organov Magadanskoi oblasti
[Department of Administrative Agencies of Magadan Oblast]

Address: 685000, Magadan Oblast, Magadan, prosp. K. Marksa, 60

Telephone: +7 413-2 65-12-78

Fax: +7 413-2 65-12-78

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: https://dao.49gov.ru/  (Department)

Opening hours: M–Th 9:00–17:45, F 9:00–17:00

Head of he Department: Natal'ia Aleksandrovna Bolgova (tel. +7 413-2 64-23-64; e-mail [email protected])

Head of the Archival Agency: Ol'ga Evgen'evna Kononova (tel. +7 413-2 65-12-78; e-mail [email protected])

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted