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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-0320

Last update of repository: 20 November 2020

*Komitet po delam arkhivov Kurganskoi oblasti

[Committee for Archival Affairs of Kurgan Oblast]

Agency: Administratsiia (Pravitel'stvo) Kurganskoi oblasti
[Administration (Government) of Kurgan Oblast]

Address: 640018, Kurgan Oblast, Kurgan, ul. Kuibysheva, 87

Telephone: +7 352-2 46-63-66

Fax: +7 352-2 46-63-66

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://archives.kurganobl.ru/

Opening hours: M–Th 8:00–17:00, F 8:00–15:00

Chairman: Larisa Viktorovna Galchenko (tel. +7 352-2 46-63-66)

Deputy Chairman, Head of the Division for Archival Affairs: Alla Anatol'evna Sushchevskaia (tel. +7 352-2 46-53-46)

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