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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-015

Last update of repository: 19 October 2020

*Komitet arkhivnogo dela i organizatsionnogo obespecheniia Ministerstva kul'tury Respubliki Buriatiia

Previous names
200?–2015   Upravlenie po delam arkhivov Respubliki Buriatiia
[Administration for Archival Affairs of the Republic of Buriatia]
1997–200?   Komitet po delam arkhivov Respubliki Buriatiia
[Committee for Archival Affairs of the Republic of Buriatia]
1994–1997   Komitet po delam arkhivov pri Pravitel'stve Respubliki Buriatiia
[Committee for Archival Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Buriatia]
1992–1994   Komitet po delam arkhivov pri Sovete Ministrov Respubliki Buriatiia
[Committee for Archival Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Buriatia]
1990–1991   Komitet po delam arkhivov pri Sovete Ministrov Buriatskoi SSR
[Committee for Archival Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the Buriat SSR]
1980–1990   Arkhivnoe upravlenie pri Sovete Ministrov Buriatskoi ASSR
[Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the Buriat Autonomous SSR]
1962–1980   Arkhivnyi otdel pri Sovete Ministrov Buriatskoi ASSR
[Archival Division under the Council of Ministers of the Buriat Autonomous SSR]
1958–1962   Arkhivnyi otdel MVD Buriatskoi ASSR
[Archival Division of MVD of the Buriat Autonomous SSR]
1941–1958   Arkhivnyi otdel NKVD–MVD Buriat-Mongol'skoi ASSR
[Archival Division of NKVD–MVD of the Buriat-Mongol Autonomous SSR]
1939–1941   Otdel Gosudarstvennykh arkhivov NKVD Buriat-Mongol'skoi ASSR
[Division of State Archives of NKVD of the Buriat-Mongol Autonomous SSR]
1928–1939   Arkhivnoe upravlenie pri TsIK Buriat-Mongol'skoi ASSR
[Archival Administration under the Central Executive Committee of the Buriat-Mongol Autonomous SSR]
1927–1928   Arkhivnaia chast' TsIK i SNK Buriat-Mongol'skoi ASSR
[Archival Department of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People’s Commissariat of the Buriat-Mongol Autonomous SSR]
XII.1923–1927   Tsentral'noe Upravlenie arkhivnym delom pri SNK Buriat-Mongol'skoi ASSR
[Central Administration for Archival Affair under the Council of People’s Commissariat of the Buriat-Mongol Autonomous SSR]
V.1923–XII.1923   Arkhivnoe biuro Pribaikal'skoi gubernii
[Archival Bureau of the Guberniia of Lake Baikal Region]

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