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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-0106

Last update of repository: 23 October 2020

*Gosudarstvennyi komitet Respubliki Tatarstan po arkhivnomu delu (Goskomarkhiv)

Previous names
1996–2016   Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie pri Kabinete Ministrov Respubliki Tatarstan (GAU pri KM RT)
[Main Archival Administration under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan]
1992–1996   Arkhivnoe upravlenie pri Kabinete Ministrov Respubliki Tatarstan (AU pri KM RT)
[Archival Administration under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan]
1980–1992   Arkhivnoe upravlenie pri Sovete Ministrov Tatarskoi ASSR (AU pri SM TASSR)
[Archival Administration under the Council of Ministers of the Tatar Autonomous SSR]
1962–1980   Arkhivnyi otdel pri Sovete Ministrov Tatarskoi ASSR (AO pri SM TASSR)
[Archival Division under the Council of Ministers of the Tatar Autonomous SSR]
1946–1962   Arkhivnyi otdel MVD Tatarskoi ASSR (AO MVD TASSR)
[Archival Division of MVD of the Tatar Autonomous SSR]
1942–1946   Otdel gosarkhivov NKVD TASSR
[Division of State Archives of NKVD of the Tatar Autonomous SSR]
1939–1942   Arkhivnyi otdel NKVD TASSR
[Archival Division of NKVD of the Tatar Autonomous SSR]
1921–1939   Tsentral'noe arkhivnoe upravlenie Tatarskoi ASSR
[Central Archival Administration of the Tatar Autonomous SSR]
1920–1921   Upravlenie Tsentral'nogo arkhiva Tatarskoi ASSR (Tattsentrarkhiv)
[Administration of the Central Archive of the Tatar Autonomous SSR]
1919–1920   Komissiia po okhrane arkhivov Kazanskoi gubernii
[Commission for Protection of Archives of the Kazan Guberniia]

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