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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: G-22

Last update of repository: 16 March 2020

Tsentral'naia notnaia biblioteka Gosudarstvennogo akademicheskogo Mariinskogo teatra

Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 782-84; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 592-93; PKG M&L (1972), p. 337; Myl'nikov (1970), p. 30; Teatr i muzyka (1963), pp. 10-11, 21-22; Muzykal'nyi Leningrad (1958), pp. 366-68; Biblioteki SPb (1993), pp. 75-76; Peterburg (1992), pp. 609-10.

There is no guide to the archival materials in the library.

g-885. Gosudarstvennyi Ordena Lenina Leningradskii akademicheskii teatr opery i baleta im. S.M. Kirova: [Kniga-al'bom]. Compiled by A.P. Konnov and I.V. Tupnikov. Leningrad: “Muzyka”, 1976. 159 p. (Lib: DLC; MH).

Includes information about the history of the theater and its collections.

g-886. Bogdanov-Berezovskii, Valerian Mikhailovich. Leningradskii gosudarstvennyi akademicheskii Ordena Lenina teatr opery i baleta im. S.M. Kirova. Leningrad: “Iskusstvo”, 1959. 342 p. (Lib: IU; MH).

Provides a detailed history of the theater with illustrations from the V.S. Gil' collection on the history of music theaters.

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