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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: G-17

Last update of repository: 16 March 2020

Nauchnaia biblioteka im. M. Gor'kogo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (NB SPbGU)

Nauchnaia biblioteka Vostochnogo fakul'teta
[Scientific Library of the Oriental Faculty]

Address: 199034, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaia nab., 11

Telephone: +7 812 328-95-49

Website: http://orient.spbu.ru/ru/biblioteka/;  http://orient.spbu.ru/ru/biblioteka/f...  (fonds)

Opening hours: M–F 9:00–19:00, Sa 10:00–16:00

Head: Milana Aleksandrovna Azarkina (tel. +7 812 328-95-49); e-mail [email protected]

manuscripts and xylographs—ca. 50,000

The Oriental Division—administratively a subdivision of the Scientific Library—is housed in the University’s Oriental Faculty. Its holdings, the first of which were acquired in the early nineteenth century, now include Oriental manuscripts and xylographs with texts of philology, literature, history, geography, and religion. During the mid- to late nineteenth century the library acquired a collection of Oriental manuscripts from Kazan University, the First Kazan Gymnasium, the Richelieu Lyceum in Odessa, and also personal collections of Oriental scholars including the professors A.K. Kazembek (1871), I.P. Minaev (1887–1892), Antoni Muchliński (A.O Mukhlinskii), and V.P. Vasil'ev, who were members of the University’s noted Oriental Faculty.
        The Chinese and Japanese collections are the largest. The Chinese collection, consisting of encyclopedias, dynastic histories, literary anthologies, collected sources, and other manuscripts, includes the collection from the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing, and collections of the Orientalists P.I. Zakharov, P.S. Popov, V.M. Uspenskii, A.E. Liubimov, and others; there is also a selection of historical maps of China collected by V.P. Vasil'ev. Significant East Asian manuscript holdings include those in Manchu, Tibetan, Mongolian, and Korean languages, with representative Buddhist texts, among other materials. The earliest manuscripts in ancient Indian languages come mostly from the collection of I.P. Minaev, including the earliest eleventh-century text on palm leaves. The division has over 800 Arabic and close to 600 Persian and Tadzhik manuscripts, many important texts in Turkic languages, and a few manuscripts in Georgian and Armenian languages.
        The division also holds personal fonds of several Orientalists—with personal papers and collected documents—including the Iranist and Kurdic scholar, archeologist, and archeographer P.I. Lerkh, the Iranist A.A. Romaskevich, and professors V.A. Ivanov, A.L. Kun, and P.I. Melioranskii.

Reference facilities:
There are topographic and alphabetical card catalogues of all manuscripts and xylographs in Oriental languages. The personal fonds of scholars have not been processed.

Copy facilities:
Facilities are available for xerox (only for documents after 1917) and scan copies.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted