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Nauchnaia biblioteka im. M. Gor'kogo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (NB SPbGU)

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Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 763-68; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 576-80; Biblioteki: Putevoditel' (1996), pp. 184-86; Fondy red. izd. (1990), pp. 146-50; G&K Spravochnik (1983), pp. 225-26; Biblioteki SPb (1993), p. 14; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 228-30; Peterburg (1992), p. 420; Myl'nikov (1970), pp. 26-27.

Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts
Slavonic-Rus' Manuscripts
Greek Manuscripts
Oriental Manuscripts


g-760. Putevoditel' po Nauchnoi biblioteke im. M. Gor'kogo pri LGU. Compiled by I.A. Frantsuzova, A.K. Gorfunkel' and A.A. Kononova. Edited by K.M. Romanovskaia. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1982. 72 p. [LGU] (Lib: IU; MH).

The guide briefly surveys the history, structure and functions of the library, its divisions and catalogues, the holdings of the Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts (pp. 33–39) and the Oriental Division (pp. 59–64).

g-761. Putevoditel' po katalogam Nauchnoi biblioteki im. M. Gor'kogo pri LGU. Leningrad, 1956. 15 p. [NB LGU].

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Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts
Brief bibliography of the Division of Rare Books and Manuscripts of 1967–1996 see at: http://www.library.spbu.ru/rus/ork/li....

g-765. Gorfunkel', Aleksandr Khaimovich; and Nikolaev, Nikolai Ivanovich. Neotchuzhdaemaia tsennost': Rasskazy o knizhnykh redkostiakh universitetskoi biblioteki. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1984. 176 p. [LGU; NB im. M. Gor'kogo] (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

The collection contains a general survey of book and manuscript collections in the Division of Rare Books, and the history and formation of its fonds, beginning with the eighteenth century. A supplemental list of book collections includes information on manuscript collections and archives (pp. 161–175), with indications of previous owners, date of acquisition, and related reference literature, including citations to archival sources.
        Table of contents see at: http://www.library.spbu.ru/rus/ork/li....

g-766. *Gorfunkel', Aleksandr Khaimovich. Katalog paleotipov: Iz sobraniia Nauchnoi biblioteki im. M. Gor'kogo Leningradskogo universiteta. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1977. 151 p. [LGU; NB im. M. Gor'kogo] (Lib: DLC; MH).

See also the article by Gorfunkel', A.Kh. “Sobranie paleotipov Leningradskogo universiteta.” Vestnik LGU, 1977, no. 8, pp. 42–48.

g-767. *Gorfunkel', Aleksandr Khaimovich. Katalog knig kirillovskoi pechati 16–17 vekov: Iz sobraniia Nauchnoi biblioteki im. M. Gor'kogo Leningradskogo universiteta. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1970. 96 p. [LGU; NB im. M. Gor'kogo] (Lib: MH).
        Facsimile reprint ed.: London: Flegon Press, 1982. (Lib: MH).

g-768. Gorfunkel', Aleksandr Khaimovich. Katalog inkunabulov: Iz sobraniia Nauchnoi biblioteki im. M. Gor'kogo Leningradskogo universiteta. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1967. 64 p. [LGU; NB im. M. Gor'kogo] (Lib: DLC; MH).

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Slavonic-Rus' Manuscripts

g-774. Shustorovich, E.M. “Slaviano-russkie rukopisi Biblioteki im. A.M. Gor'kogo Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.” Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 14 (1963), no. 3, pp. 110–15. “Seriia istorii, iazyka i literatury,” no. 3. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,918].
“Seriia istorii, iazyka i literatury,” no. 3.

A general survey of medieval Slavonic-Rus' manuscripts.

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Greek Manuscripts

g-778. Tonberg, M.F. “Grecheskie rukopisi Biblioteki im. A.M. Gor'kogo Leningradskogo Ordena Lenina Gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A. Zhdanova.” Vizantiiskii vremennik 31 (1971), pp. 128–31. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

Describes 18 Greek manuscripts held by the division, one dating from the thirteenth century, the others from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries.

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Oriental Manuscripts

g-782. Gur'eva, Anastasiia Aleksandrovna; and Trotsevich, Adelaida Fedorovna. Opisanie pis'mennyh pamiatnikov koreiskoi traditsionnoi kul'tury. Vyp. I: Koreiskie pis'mennye pamiatniki v fonde kitaiskih ksilografov vostochnogo otdela Nauchnoi biblioteki Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo SPb GU, 2007. 300 p.
Electronic edition: http://www.orientalstudies.ru/rus/ind... (annotation, table of contents)

g-783. Uspenskii, Vladimir Leonidovich. Catalogue of the Mongolian Manuscripts and Xylographs in the St. Petersburg State University Library/Katalog mongol'skikh rukopisei i ksilografov Vostochnogo otdela Nauchnoi biblioteki Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Edited by T. Nakami. Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 1999. xv, 530 p. Compiled by V.L. Uspenskii (Uspensky) with assistance from O. Inoue. Foreword by T. Nakami. (Lib: MH).
Electronic edition: http://www.orientalstudies.ru/rus/ind... (foreword, contents, acknowledgments, introduction)

g-783.1. Uspenskii, Vladimir Leonidovich. Index to the Catalogue of the Mongolian Manuscripts and Xylographs in the St. Petersburg State University Library. Tokyo: Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 2000. 186 p.
Electronic edition: http://www.orientalstudies.ru/rus/ind... (contents)

g-784. Abramov, A.T. “Vostochnyi otdel Nauchnoi biblioteki im. A.M. Gor'kogo Leningradskogo ordena Lenina gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A. Zhdanova.” In Vostokovednye fondy krupneishikh bibliotek Sovetskogo Soiuza: Stat'i i soobshcheniia, pp. 218–28. Moscow: Izd-vo vostochnoi literatury, 1963. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

Surveys the Oriental book and manuscript holdings in the library.

g-785. Abramov, A.T. “Biblioteka Vostochnogo fakul'teta.” Uchenye zapiski Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: Seriia vostokovedcheskikh nauk 296 (1960), no. 13, pp. 177–88. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

g-786. Knizhnoe sobranie Peterburgskogo universiteta. I: Bibliofil'skie kollektsii. II: Vostochnye knigi. Edited by T.P. Deriagina, N.I. Nikolaev and A.A. Savel'ev. St. Petersburg: BAN, 1994. 27 p.

The second section of this exhibition catalogue provides brief annotated descriptions (in Russian, pp. 18–22; and in French, pp. 23–27) of 20 manuscripts held by Oriental Division of the library—3 Arabic, 8 Persian, 1 South Indian on palm leaves, 2 Japanese xylographs, 3 Chinese xylographs, 1 Japanese and Chinese xylograph, and 2 Mongol manuscripts. The first part of the catalogue describes 30 incunabula and early printed books (15th–18th cc.) from Western Europe in Latin and other languages, which are covered more thoroughly in earlier printed catalogues.

g-787. Rozen, Viktor Romanovich; and Zaleman, Karl Germanovich (Salemann, C.). “Spisok persidskikh, turetsko-tatarskikh i arabskikh rukopisei Biblioteki Imperatorskogo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.” Zapiski Vostochnogo otdeleniia Imperatorskogo Russkogo arkheologicheskogo obshchestva 2 (1887), pp. 241–62. 3 (1888), pp. 197–222. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).
Also issued separately: SPb. 1888. 50 p.

g-788. Romaskevich, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. “Spisok persidskikh, turetsko-tatarskikh i arabskikh rukopisei biblioteki Petrogradskogo universiteta: Prodolzhenie spiska K.G. Zalemana i V.R. Rozena.” In Zapiski Kollegii vostokovedov 1, pp. 353–71. Leningrad: Izd-vo RAN, 1925. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,920].

A supplement to the Zaleman and Rozen 1887/1888 lists.

g-789. Tagirdzhanov, Aburkhaman Tagirovich (Tahirjanov, Gabdrakhman). Opisanie tadzhikskikh i persidskikh rukopisei Vostochnogo otdela biblioteki LGU. Vol. 1: Istoriia, biografii, geografiia. Edited by A.N. Boldyrev. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1962. 513 p. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,923].

g-790. Tagirdzhanov, Aburkhaman Tagirovich (Tahirjanov, Gabdrakhman). Spisok tadzhikskikh, persidskikh i tiurkskikh rukopisei Vostochnogo otdela Biblioteki LGU: Prodolzhenie spiskov K.G. Zalemana i A.A. Romaskevicha. Edited by A.N. Boldyrev. Moscow: “Nauka”, 1967. 19 p. [LGU] (Lib: DDO; DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,924].

Lists 177 Tadzhik and Persian manuscripts and 76 manuscripts in Turkic languages supplementing g–787g–789.

g-791. Beliaev, Viktor Ivanovich; and Bulgakov, Pavel Georgievich. “Arabskie rukopisi sobraniia Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.” In Pamiati akademika Ignatiia Iulianovicha Krachkovskogo: Sbornik statei, pp. 21–35. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1958. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,921].

g-792. Frolova, Olga Borisovna. “Izuchenie arabskikh rukopisnykh sochinenii, khraniashchikhsia v vostochnom otdele nauchnoi biblioteki im. M. Gor'kogo v Leningradskom universitete.” In Materialy Vsesoiuznogo rabochego soveshchaniia po problemam vostochnoi arkheografii (Leningrad, 1–4 marta 1988 g.)/Archeographia Orientalis, pp. 147–52. Moscow, 1990. (Lib: CU; PU).

A survey of Arabic manuscript holdings and previous descriptive and publication work.

g-792.1. Frolova, Olga Borisovna. “Some Notes on the Arabic Manuscripts and Collections in the Library of the Oriental Faculty of the St. Petersburg University.” Manuscripta Orientalia 2 (1996), no. 2, pp. 36–43. (Lib: MH).

A brief survey of Arabic manuscript holdings and comprehensive bibliography of previous descriptive and publication work.

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Finding Aids —  General — Unpublished:

g-795. * “Opisanie rukopisei biblioteki LGU, sostavlennoe slushateliami seminariia akademika V.N. Perettsa pod ego rukovodstvom.” Leningrad, 1924. 148 p. Typescript.

g-796. “Katalog knig na man'chzhurskom iazyke, khraniashchikhsia v fondakh biblioteki Vostochnogo fakul'teta Leningradskogo universiteta.” Compiled by K.S. Iakhontov. 2 vols. Leningrad, 1986. 295 p. Typescript.

See also Iakhontov's brief published notes about the SPbGU Manchu manuscripts in Materialy Vsesoiuznogo rabochego soveshchaniia po problemam vostochnoi arkheografii (Leningrad, 1–4 marta 1988 g.)/Archeographia Orientalis, pp. 172–73. Moscow, 1990.

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Finding Aids —  Specialized:

P.F. Zhukov Collection
Latin Manuscripts
Oriental Manuscripts

g-798. * Biblioteka Bestuzhevskikh kursov: Istoricheskaia khronika v svidetel'stvakh i dokumentakh. Compiled by A.A. Vostrikov. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2009. 138 p.

Description of library of the former St. Petersburg Higher (Bestuzhev) Courses for Women, now part of the library of the Scientific Library of St. Petersburg State University.

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P.F. Zhukov Collection

g-800. Gorfunkel', Aleksandr Khaimovich; and Nikolaev, Nikolai Ivanovich. Nachalo universitetskoi biblioteki (1783 g.): Sobranie P.F. Zhukova—pamiatnik russkoi kul'tury XVIII v.: Katalog. Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1980. 88 p. [LGU; NB im. M. Gor'kogo] (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

A scholarly catalogue of the collection of Petr Fedorovich Zhukov (1736–1782), the most important founding collection in the division.

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Latin Manuscripts

g-803. Mur'ianov, M.F. “Piat' rukopisei Korpusa Iustiniana v sobranii Leningradskogo universiteta.” Vizantiiskii vremennik 27 (1967), pp. 306–09. (Lib: DDO; DLC; IU; MH).

Description of the Latin codex of civil law of Emperor Justinian (11th–14th cc.), from the Leipzig collection of Professor Karl Friedrich Christian Wenck.

g-804. Mur'ianov, M.F. “Drevneishii pergamen Leningradskogo universiteta.” Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia istorii, iazyka i literatury 20 (1964), no. 4, pp. 151–54. (Lib: DLC; IU).

Description and analysis of a fragment of an eleventh-century Latin religious text on parchment from Northern France.

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Oriental Manuscripts
The description of 5 Armenian manuscripts held in ORKR and in Scientific Library of the Oriental Faculty, see in: Iuzbashian, Karen Nikitovich. Armianskie rukopisi v Peterburgskikh sobraniiakh: Katalog (St. Petersburg, 2005), pp. 204–206. Published as Pravoslavnyi Palestinskii sbornik, 41 (104) (electronic edition of annotation, introduction, summary, table of contents, indexes is available electronically http://www.orientalstudies.ru/rus/ind...).

g-807. Katalog peterburgskogo rukopisnogo “Gandzhura”. Compiled by Z.K. Kas'ianenko. Moscow: “Nauka,” izd. firma “Vostochnaia literatura”, 1993. 380 p. “Bibliotheca Buddica,” vol. 39. “Pamiatniki pis'mennosti Vostoka,” vol. 102. (Lib: DLC; MH).

A scholarly description of the Buddhist canon “Gandzhur” (Kanjur) from the first half of the seventeenth century in Mongolian, held in the collection in SPbGU. The publication includes facsimile fragments from the manuscript, which consists of 113 volumes in 100 parts.

g-808. Uspenskii, Vladimir Leonidovich. “Mongol'skie, oiratskie i tibetskie rukopisi i ksilografy, postupivshie v Sankt-Peterburgskii universitet ot A.M. Pozdeeva.” In Mongolica-VI: Posviashchaetsia 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia A.M. Pozdeeva, pp. 19–23. St. Petersburg, 2003.
Electronic edition: http://www.orientalstudies.ru/rus/ima...

g-809. Uspenskii, Vladimir Leonidovich. “Oiratskie rukopisi, postupivshie v Sankt-Peterburgskii universitet ot K.F. Golstunskogo.” In Mongolica-V: Posviashchaetsia K.F. Golstunskomu, pp. 18–20. St. Petersburg: “Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie”, 2001.
Electronic edition: http://www.orientalstudies.ru/rus/ima...

g-810. Deriagina, Tamara P. (Deryagina); and Frolova, Ol'ga Borisovna. “Antoni Muchliński and His Collection of Arabic Manuscripts in the St. Petersburg University Library.” Manuscripta Orientalia 3 (1997), no. 4, pp. 45–51. (Lib: MH).

A brief biography of the Polish Orientalist, diplomat, and professor at St. Petersburg University Antoni Muchliński (A.O. Mukhlinskii) (1808–1877), with a description of 18 Arabic manuscripts in the collection he left to the University.

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