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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: E-13

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Institut prikladnoi matematiki im. M.V. Keldysha RAN (IPM)

[M.V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics]

Agency: Rossiiskaia Akademiia nauk (RAN), Otdelenie matematicheskikh nauk
[Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Mathematics]
Ministerstvo nauki i vysshego obrazovaniia RF (Minobrnauki Rossii)
[Ministry of Science and Higher Education]

Address: 125047, Moscow, Miusskaia pl., 4

Telephone: +7 499 978-13-14, +7 499 250-79-19

Fax: +7 499 972-07-37

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://www.keldysh.ru  (Rus); http://www.keldysh.ru/Eng/ipme_frame.htm  (Eng); http://www.keldysh.ru/e-biblio  (Electronic Library)

Transport: metro: Novoslobodskaia, Mendeleevskaia

Director: Aleksandr Ivanovich Aptekarev (tel. +7 499 978-13-14; e-mail [email protected])

Scientific Head: Boris Nikolaevich Chetverushkin (tel. +7 499 978-13-13)

Deputy Director for Scientific Work: Andrei Leonidovich Afendikov (tel. +7 499 250-79-57; e-mail [email protected])

Deputy Director for Scientific Work: Mikhail Borisovich Markov

Deputy Director for Scientific Work: Mikhail Vladimirovich Iakobovskii

Scientific Secretary: Aleksandr Ivanovich Maslov

About IPM
Institutional records of the Institute of 1947–1988 has been deposited in the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ARAN—E–1, fond 1939, 905 units). The annotation of this fond available electronically on the electronic informational system of ARAN: http://isaran.ru/isaran/isaran.php?pa....

Memorial'nyi muzei-kabinet akademika M.V. Keldysha
[M.V. Keldysh Memorial Cabinet-Museum]
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