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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-2

Last update of repository: 6 December 2020

Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv trudovykh otnoshenii goroda Moskvy (TsGATO Moskvy)

[Central State Archive of Labor Relations of the City of Moscow]

Agency: Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie goroda Moskvy
[Main Archival Administration of the City of Moscow]

Address: 109554, Moscow, ul. Mezhdunarodnaia, 10; (postal): 117393, Moscow, ul. Profsoiuznaia, 82, korp. 1

Telephone: +7 495 671-58-12

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://cgato.mos.ru/;  http://www.rusarchives.ru/state/moskv...

Opening hours: M–Th 9:00–17:00, Sa 9:00–13:00

Director: Dariia Pavlovna Starovoitova (tel. +7 495 671-58-12)

About TsGATO Moskvy
The archive was established in 2008 as the Central Archive for Personnel Labor Records of Moscow Citizens (Tsentral'nyi arkhiv dokumentov o trudovoi deiatel'nosti grazhdan goroda Moskvy—TsADTDGM) to process, preserve, and make available to the public personnel records from liquidated Moscow institutions. With the April 2013 reorganization of Glavarkhiv Moskvy it was renamed the Central State Archive of the Labor Relations of the city of Moscow (TsGATO Moskvy).

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