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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-15

Last update of repository: 7 December 2020

Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Sankt-Peterburga (TsGA SPb)

Access & Facilities

Almost all previously closed fonds to 1972 have been declassified and their materials are now accessible to researchers. Records of the “filtration” camps, received from the former KGB archive (now the Archive of the UFSB SPb, see D–28), have still not actually been transferred to TsGA SPb and hence are not accessible to researchers.
        The list of fonds declassified in 2013–2018 is available at: https://spbarchives.ru/cga_declassifi....

Working conditions
Files are delivered to the reading room within 5 days after orders are submitted. Only 5 files and 5 opisi can be ordered per day. For more details see British guide: Russian & Ukrainian Archives Guide available electronically: https://research.reading.ac.uk/archiv....

Copy facilities
Xerox facilities are available.

Reference facilities
The website has a list of all fonds and opisi within each fond with brief annotations and some opisi with scanned image at: https://spbarchives.ru/infres/-/archi....
        In addition to opisi, most of which are housed in the reading room, researchers have access to the systematic, name, and geographic catalogues, and also the auxiliary card catalogue covering administrative histories of state agencies and personnel records.

Library facilities
Researchers have access to the reference library (ca. 25,000 vols.), which is rich in contemporary books and periodical literature relating to the city and oblast. Founded in 1936 on the basis of holdings received from the Archival Administration, as well as printed materials acquired from abolished institutions. A card file is available for documentary publications based on the archival holdings.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted