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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: D-01Last update of repository: 6 December 2020*Glavnoe arkhivnoe upravlenie goroda Moskvy (Glavarkhiv Moskvy)Access & Facilities Access Researchers should apply to individual archives for research access and reference inquiries. Working conditions Reading rooms for the Moscow central archives are located in four different buildings, based on the holdings of the former component archives. Reference facilities The Glavarkhiv archival information center is continuing work on its database of fonds held in all of the archives under Glavarkhiv, which also serves as the basis for its series of printed guides (see d–1). Work is also underway on a database of normative documents issued by the Moscow City Council and the Government of Moscow. Library facilities The city archive complex has a reference library known since March 2009 as the Center for Scientific-Reference and Library Information (Tsentr nauchno-spravochnoi i bibliotechnoi informatsii), which is openly accessible to researchers. The collections date back to prerevolutionary library holdings, including printed publications of the Moscow Gubernia Archive, organized as an archival library in 1930. At the end of 1991 the library acquired the holdings of the library of former Moscow CP archive. The present library contains over 100,000 printed publications of historical, political, reference, archival, and regional-studies literature. The library has also a rich collection of local newspapers and periodicals, including illegal and underground publications. Alphabetic and subject catalogues, along with the database “Library-3” are available for researchers. (Profsoiuznaia ul., 82, korp. 1; tel. +7 499 724-36-40, +7 499 724-36-50; e-mail:; hours: MTuTh 10:30–17:00, F 10:30–16:00). |