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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-22Last update of repository: 14 March 2020Gosudarstvennyi fond kinofil'mov RF (Gosfil'mofond Rossii/GFF)Finding Aids — Published — General:
Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 329-32; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 259-61; FIAF World Directory (1993), p. 128; PKG M&L (1972), pp. 257-58; Sup. 1 (1976), p. 84. The Russian-language catalogue of films held in Gosfilmofond is available on the website: https://gosfilmofond.ru/films/.
c-184. Letopis' rossiiskogo kino: [Spravochnik]. Moscow: Materik/Kanon-Plus, 2004–. 3 volumes published through 2010. In chronological order with dates and sources on the provided information (archival documents, periodicals) recounting historical events in the development of Russian film. Developments within Russia and the Russian émigré community are recounted in the the first and second volumes. The sources of the three volumes are found in RGALI, RGASPI, RGANI, GARF, Gosfilmofond, the Fond of Culture, archives of Mosfilm, and other film studios.
c-185. Sovetskie khudozhestvennye fil'my: Annotirovannyi katalog. Compiled by N.A. Glagoleva, et al. Edited by A.V. Macheret, et al. 5 vols. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1961–1979. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH) [IDC-R-10,999]. A systematic annotated catalogue of Soviet feature films, copies of which are held in Gosfil'mofond. Provides extensive annotated entries and bibliography for each film covering extant scenarios, reviews, and related analyses. There are indexes of directors, actors, and production studios, and lists of film productions from the former union republics.
c-185.1. Sovetskie khudozhestvennye fil'my: Annotirovannyi katalog. Moscow: “Niva Rossii”/ “Sovremennye tetradi” (vols. 9–11), 1995–. [Gosfil'mofond] (Lib: DLC; MH). Continues the annotated catalogue of Soviet feature film productions, copies of which are held in Gosfil'mofond. The new, much more popularized format provides less extensive annotations and lacks bibliography and the extensive indexes of the earlier series, although there are alphabetical lists of films and lists of production studios, including those of the former union republics. Additional volumes are in preparation covering films produced during subsequent years, and plans call for cumulative bibliographies and indexes.
c-186. Testimoni silenziosi: Film russi, 1908–1919/Silent Witness: Russian Films, 1908–1919. Compiled by P.C. Usai. [Pordenone]: Biblioteca dell’Immagine, [ca.1989]. 621 p. Coordinated with an introduction by Iurii Tsiv'ian. [Associazione le Giornate del Cinema Muto; British Film Institute] (Lib: DLC; IU; MH). A filmographic catalogue of 286 silent films which have been restored and reprinted on 35mm safety film by Gosfil'mofond, including prerevolutionary feature and animated films (1908–1917) and privately produced films (1917–1919). Page-long annotations include cross-references to shooting diaries, title lists, and reviews, with comments from reminiscences and other documentation in Gosfil'mofond, the Museum of Cinema, and other archival sources. Includes appended biograms of 17 filmmakers, bibliographic references, and indexes. The original Russian text is being prepared for publication by “Dubl'-D.” The Russian edition has been revised and updated.
c-187. Hill, Stephen P. “Film Archive Work in the USSR.” Film Society Review, January 1966, pp. 16–21. (Lib: IU). A short survey of the organization and holdings of Gosfil'mofond in the early 1960s.
c-188. Kino i vremia: Biulleten'. Moscow, 1960–1965. 4 vols. plus 1966 supplement. [Gosfil'mofond]. An internally published, previously classified series containing important analytical articles, indexes, and catalogues to various types of films or production studios, and other reference materials relating to cinematography, including a large section on foreign cinematography. The first issue (1960) contains a history of Lenfil'm Studio and its predecessors (1919–1957) (see C–24), and the first part of a catalogue of films made from literary works (silent films, 1918–1935), prerevolutionary films (cf. Vishnevskii, V.E. Khudozhestvennye fil'my dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii (Fil'mograficheskoe opisanie): Spravochnik [Moscow, 1945] and Vishnevskii, V.E. Dokumental'nye fil'my dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii, 1907–1916 [Moscow, 1996]), a catalogue of private film productions (1917–1921), and American films in the Soviet rental collection. The second issue contains a directory of international film festivals (1932–1955). The third issue contains an exclusive directory of filmmakers of Soviet feature films (see Rezhissery sovetskogo khudozhestvennogo kino: Bibliograficheskii spravochnik [Moscow, 1963]), and catalogues of French and German films available in the USSR. The fourth issue includes the second part of the catalogue of films made from literary works (1931–1961), together with indexes. A supplement to the fourth issue is devoted to animated films, including a catalogue of productions (see Sovetskaia mul'tiplikatsiia: Spravochnik [Moscow, 1966]). |