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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: C-18

Last update of repository: 14 March 2020

Federal'nyi nauchno-tekhnicheskii tsentr geodezii, kartografii i infrastruktury prostranstvennykh dannykh (FGBU “Tsentr geodezii, kartografii i IPD”)

Previous names
1938–2013   Tsentral'nyi kartografo-geodezicheskii fond (TsKGF)
[Central Cartographic-Geodesic Fond]
1935–1938   Tsentral'noe biuro kartografo-geodezicheskoi izuchennosti Glavnogo upravleniia gosudarstvennoi s"emki i kartografii NKVD SSSR (TsBKGI GUKSK NKVD SSSR)
[Central Bureau for Cartographic-Geodesic Investigations of the Main Administration for State Survey and Cartography of the NKVD]
1931–1935   Vsesoiuznoe geodezicheskoe spravochnoe biuro (VGSB)
[All-Union Geodesic Reference Bureau]
1928–1931   Tsentral'noe geodezicheskoe spravochnoe biuro Glavnogo Geodezicheskogo komiteta VSNKh SSSR (Tsentral'noe Geospravbiuro GGK VSNKh SSS)
[Central Geodesic Reference Bureau of the Main Geodesic Committee of the VSNKh SSSR]
1926–1928   Geodezicheskoe spravochnoe biuro Geodezicheskogo komiteta VSNKh SSSR (Geospravbiuro GK VSNKh SSSR)
[Geodesic Reference Bureau of the Geodesic Committee VSNKh SSSR]
1919–1926   Gosudarstvennyi geodezicheskii arkhiv Vysshego geodezicheskogo upravleniia pri VSNKh SSSR (Arkhiv VGU pri VSNKh SSSR)
[State Geodesic Archive of the High Geodesic Administration under the VSNKh SSSR]
The collection of documentation in the fond was first started in 1919, when a High Geodesic Administration was organized as part of the Scientific-Technical Division of the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh).
        The Central Cartographic-Geodesic Fond (TsKGF) was established as a separate agency in 1938 within the Main Geodesic and Cartographic Administration of the Council of People’s Commissars (UGGN GUGK pri SNK SSSR). It was the successor agency to the abolished Central Bureau for Cartographic and Geodesic Investigations (TsBKGI GUGSK NKVD SSSR), which had been formed in 1935 under the NKVD. Earlier, the acquisition and systematization of documentation from cartographic and geodesic surveys were handled by successive state agencies for cartographic and land surveys, which, as a rule, had their own geodesic archives (or geodesic inquiry offices).
        The name of the fond has remained constant since 1938, although it has been subordinated to a number of different government agencies. From 1960 to 1967 it was under the Ministry of Geology and the Protection of Subterranean Resources, and from 1967 to 1991 under the Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Glavnoe upravlenie geodezii i kartografii pri SM SSSR). In 1991–1992, it answered to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation. Since the end of 1992, it operates under the administratively separate Federal Geodesic and Cartographic Service of Russia, then Federal Geodesic and Cartographic Agency (Roskartografiia). In 2008 it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). In 2013 TsKGF became a part of the newly created Federal Scientific and Technical Center for Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data Infrastructure

N.B. TsKGF now retains documentation only on the federal level, and documentation of federal-level significance, which is periodically transferred from regional offices and inspection bureaus. Branches of TsKGF retain permanently topographic, geodesic, and cartographic documentation produced by regional inspection bureaus for state geodesic control (TIGGN), as do some aerial geodesic enterprises, map production agencies, the State Nature (Priroda) Center, scientific-research institutes for geodesy and cartography, and the Russian Scientific Production Center for Geodesic Information (Rosgeoinform).

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