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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: B-10Last update of repository: 3 December 2020Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv fonodokumentov (RGAFD)[Russian State Archive of Sound Recordings]Agency: Federal'noe arkhivnoe agentstvo Rossii (Rosarkhiv) [Federal Archival Agency of Russia] Address: 105005, Moscow, ul. 2-ia Baumanskaia, 3 Telephone: +7 499 261-13-00 Fax: +7 499 267-20-51 Reading room: +7 499 267-80-56 E-mail: [email protected]; RdngRm: [email protected] Website: http://xn--80afe9bwa.xn--p1ai; http://www.rusarchives.ru/federal/rgafd/ Opening hours: M 10:00–20:00, TuWTh 10:00–17:00, F 10:00–15:30 Transport: metro: Baumanskaia Director: Marina Ivanovna Smilianskaia (tel. +7 499 261-13-00) Deputy Director: Tat'iana Viacheslavovna Ivanova (tel. +7 499 267-15-81) Deputy Director, Main Curator: Tat'iana Fedorovna Filimonova (tel. +7 499 267-20-96; e-mail [email protected]) Head of the Reading Room: Marina Gennag'evna Lazareva (tel. +7 499 267-80-56; e-mail [email protected]) About RGAFD RGAFD, as it was renamed in 1992, was earlier established as a separate archive in 1967 as TsGAZ SSSR, on the basis of the sound division of the Central State Archive of Film, Photo-, and Phonographic Documents (TsGAKFFD SSSR). RGAFD serves as a centralized repository for documentary and artistic sound recordings from the end of the nineteenth century to the present. Its holdings include wax cylinders, recordings from talking-picture films made with mechanical and photographic methods, metal gramophone mouldings and records, magnetic and paper tapes, and CD-ROM. In recent years, RGAFD has been systematically promoting “oral history” with the creation its own recorded productions about past and current events in the social, political, and cultural life of the country. Since 1997, sound recordings from the former Vladimir Branch of RGAKFD (B–11), having been gathered there from regional studios throughout the RSFSR, have been transferred to RGAFD and intergrated with the previous RGAFD holdings. N.B. Many sound recordings use for broadcast on state radio are held by the State Fond of Television and Radio Programm (Gosteleradiofond—C–17). |