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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: F-10

Last update of repository: 15 March 2020

Nauchno-informatsionnyi tsentr “Memorial” v Sankt-Peterburge (NITs “Memorial” SPb)

A Scientific Information Center was founded under the St. Petersburg Memorial Society in 1988. It was officially registered in 1991. The Museum of the History of Political Repression was established in 1993, but it still has not found a permanent location for its exhibits.
        In 2006 was taken over and made publicly accessible through the “Memorial” Scientific Information Center of St. Petersburg (NITs “Memorial”) the St. Petersburg Archive-Collection of Nontraditional Periodicals and Documents of Social Movements (SPb AK), usually known as the “Alekseev Archive” (“Alekseevskii arkhiv”). Fonds of NITs “Memorial” and “Alekseev Archive” were merged in April 2006, but the collection “Alekseev Archive” is stored in a separate room.
        The Alekseev Archive was founded in 1989 and until 1999 housed in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Sociology. At the end of 1999 the Archive was forced to cease operations due to technical problems, but its holdings were preserved.

N.B. For the Moscow counterpart of the Memorial Center, see F–1.

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