1946–2009 |
Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Sakhalinskoi oblasti (GASO)
[State Archive of Sakhalin Oblast]
1938–1947 |
Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Sakhalinskoi oblasti (Severnyi Sakhalin) (GASO)
[State Archive of Sakhalin Oblast (North Sakhalin)]
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1997–2009 |
Filial Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Sakhalinskoi oblasti — Sakhalinskii tsentr dokumentatsii noveishei istorii (STsDNI) [Branch of the State Archive of Sakhalin Oblast—Sakhalin Center for Documentation of Contemporary History]
1991–1997 |
Sakhalinskii tsentr dokumentatsii noveishei istorii [Sakhalin Center for Documentation of Contemporary History]
1945–1991 |
Partiinyi arkhiv Sakhalinskogo obkoma VKP(b)–KPSS–KP RSFSR [Party Archive of the Sakhalin Oblast Committee of the CPSU]
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1993–2009 |
Filial dokumentov po lichnnomu sostavu Gosudarstvennogo arkhiva Sakhalinskoi oblasti [Branch for Personnel Files of the State Archive of Sakhalin Oblast]
1974–1993 |
Ob"edinennyi mezhvedostvennyi arkhiv sel'skogo khoziaistva [United Inter Departmental Archive of Agriculture]