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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: R-16

Last update of repository: 19 October 2020

Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Respubliki Buriatiia (GARB)

[State Archive of the Republic of Buriatia]

Agency: Ministerstvo kul'tury Respubliki Buriatiia
[Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Buriatia]

Address: 670000, Ulan-Ude, ul. Sukhe-Batora, 9a

Telephone: +7 301-2 21-46-34

Fax: +7 301-2 21-45-25

Reading room: +7 301-2 21-21-80, +7 301-2 21-35-01; RdngRm no. 3 (ul. Pavlova, 64a): +7 301-2 33-52-97

E-mail: [email protected]


Opening hours: M–Th 9:00–17:00; RdngRm no. 1 (ul. Sukhe-Batora, 9a) and RdngRm no. 2 (ul. Lenina, 54): M–Th 9:00–16:30

Director: Butit Tsydypmunkuevna Zhalsanova (tel. +7 301-2 21-21-80)

Deputy Director, Main Curator of Fonds: Natal'ia Viktorovna Zangeeva (tel. +7 301-2 21-46-34)

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted