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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-211

Last update of repository: 18 March 2020

Tsentral'nyi voenno-morskoi muzei (TsVMM)

Korabel'nyi fond
[Ships Fond]

Website: http://www.navalmuseum.ru/collection/...


Total: ca. 10 units; 1751–1807

This sector holds manuscripts and graphic documents on the history of shipbuilding in Russia (18th–20th cc.). Among its holdings are: a work by the geodesic specialist Petr Boi—“Rukovodstvo po morskim i voennym naukam” (1751); a manuscript of Iu.F. Lisianskii—“Opoznavatel'nye signaly” (1799); the navigation log of the sloop “Neva,” under the command of Lt. Captain Iu.F. Lisianskii, during its round-the-world voyage (1803–1806); and the manuscript “Morskoi telegraf i signal'naia kniga” compiled by Vice-Admiral D.N. Seniavin during military operations of Russia against Turkey (1805–1807).

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted