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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: H-200

Last update of repository: 17 March 2020

Gosudarstvennyi muzei istorii Sankt-Peterburga (GMI SPb)

Fond fotografii
[Fond of Photographs]

Website: https://www.spbmuseum.ru/funds/57/


Total: over 128,000 units; 1850s–2000s
general fond—ca. 70,000 units; auxiliary fond—ca. 18,000 units

The Fond of Photographs retains pictures relating to the history of the city and oblast. Prerevolutionary material includes pictures illustrating various aspects of life in the capital taken between the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries by St. Petersburg master photographers and features the work of L.G. Andreevskii, Charles (Karl K.) Bergamasco, German-born Karl Bulla and his Russian-born sons A.K. and V.K. Bulla, Giuseppe Bianchi (I. Bianki), A. Iasvoin, E.L. Mrozovskaia, Ia.V. Shteinberg, A. Smirnov, G. Wesenberg (Vesenberg), and I.M. Zubkov. There is also a collection of photographic portraits of state, political, and public figures, scientists and scholars, teachers and lecturers at the St. Petersburg higher educational establishments and secondary schools, writers, artists, architects, and performers at the imperial theaters, as well as pictures of architectural monuments, typical inhabitants of the city, and genre scenes.
        The collections of the photojournalists, G. Chertov, V. Fedoseev, V. Kapustin, Ia. Khalin, and B. Kudoiarov contain documentary photographs of the events of the postrevolutionary years, the Second World War, and the Siege of Leningrad.
        The collection made by the photographer V.P. Samoilov contains photographs of the city and its suburbs taken from a helicopter. The photographs in the collection made by L.L. Zivert show architectural monuments, city streets and squares, and the environs of Leningrad, as well as providing a chronology of events in the city from the 1940s through the 1960s. Also of interest is the collection of the photographer and artist, A.F. Shuvalov (over 3,000 units), including photographs of the condition of all the churches in the city. In recent years the holdings have been enlarged by documentary photographs taken by A.A. Kitaev of the life of St. Petersburg during the perestroika period and the years that have followed. There is also a collection of photographs of the interiors of the palaces taken by G.F. Prikhod'ko, and photographic portraits taken by the noted news correspondent, A.L. Medvednikov.

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