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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: G-5

Last update of repository: 16 March 2020

Nauchnaia biblioteka Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta (Biblioteka RGGU)

Finding Aids —  Published — General:

Archives of Russia (2000), pp. 701-702; Arkhivy Rossii (1997), pp. 540-41; Lit. russkogo zarubezh'ia (1993), pp. 34-37.

There is no published description of the archival materials in the library. For candidate and doctoral dissertations defended at MGIAI/RGGU, see “Spisok avtoreferatov dissertatsii, zashchishchennykh uchastnikami kruzhka v 1958–1979 gg.” in Istochnikovedenie i istoriografiia. Spetsial'nye istoricheskie distsipliny: Sbornik statei (1980) and article by Rozanov, A.I. “Bibliografiia avtoreferatov dissertatsii, zashchishchennykh v Moskovskom gosudarstvennom istoriko-arkhivnom institute (1980–1989 gg.),” Archeograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1990 god (1992).

g-256. Rossiiskoe dvorianstvo: Istoriia, genealogiia, geral'dika: Katalog redkikh i tsennykh izdanii iz sobraniia biblioteki RGGU. Compiled by E.A. Gorbunova, O.N. Naumov and T.N. Rybina. Moscow: RGGU, 1997. 288 p. Preface by O.N. Naumov. [NB RGGU] (Lib: MH; RGB).

A bibliography of genealogical-related literature in the RGGU library, which has a particularly rich collection, including many rare prerevolutionary imprints, brought together by specialists in MGIAI. Appendixes provide analytics of major journals: Letopis' Istoriko-rodoslovnogo obshchestva v Moskve (1905–1915), Izvestiia Russkogo genealogicheskogo obshchestva (1900–1911), Gerboved (1913–1914), and Heraldika (1900). Includes an index of families covered (amounting to almost half the volume) and an index of institutional and individual owners (with indication of book stamps, ex libris, and dedicatory autographs).
        The most extensive bibliography on the subject published.

g-257. Paskal', A.D. “Slaviano-russkie rukopisnye knigi biblioteki MGIAI.” Sovetskie arkhivy, 1986, no. 1, pp. 31–33. (Lib: DLC; IU; MH).

A scholarly description of the manuscript books now held in the Rare Book Division of the RGGU library.

g-258. Biblioteka v kontekste istorii: Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii. Moskva, 8–10 iiunia 1995 g. Edited by L.L. Batova, M.I. Dvorkina, V.Z. Grigor'eva, L.M. In'kova and T.E. Korobkina. Moscow, 1997. 192 p. [Nauch. biblioteka RGGU; Mosk. gos. un-t kul'tury; Klub “Realisty”] (Lib: MH).

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