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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: G-5

Last update of repository: 16 March 2020

Nauchnaia biblioteka Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta (Biblioteka RGGU)

Previous names
1939–1991   Biblioteka Vysshei partiinoi shkoly pri TsK KPSS (Biblioteka VPSh)
[Library of the Higher Party School under the CC CPSU]
1933–1991   Biblioteka Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo istoriko-arkhivnogo instituta (Biblioteka MGIAI)
[Library of the Moscow State Historico-Archival Institute]
1930–1932   Biblioteka Instituta arkhivovedeniia
[Library of the Institute of Archival Affairs]
1908–1918   Biblioteka Moskovskogo narodnogo universiteta im. A.L. Shaniavskogo
[Library of the A.L. Shaniavskii Moscow People’s University]
The Russian State University for the Humanities was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Moscow State Historico-Archival Institute (MGIAI—see also E–92) and the former Higher Party School (Vysshaia partiinaia shkola—VPSh) under the CC CPSU. The former MGIAI library became part of the new RGGU library, although some of the MGIAI holdings are still kept in the original MGIAI building (ul. Nikol'skaia, 15). Acquired as part of the library of the Higher Party School were collections from the former A.L. Shaniavskii Moscow People’s University (1908–1918).
        The basic holdings of the library consist of over 1,500,000 volumes with some 10,000 rare editions (18th–19th cc.). These include collections from several important prerevolutionary libraries, along with the private collection of the well-known scholars E.E. Golubinskii, S.D. Sheremetev, and others. There are also candidate and doctoral dissertations defended at MGIAI and RGGU, many of which contain important reference materials for archives and manuscript collections. Presently the library is processing collections from the Shaniavskii People’s University.
        The Division of Rare Books was established in 1993.

N.B. For the Center for Archival Research under IAI RGGU, see E–92.

ABB ArcheoBiblioBase Archeo Biblio Base Patricia Kennedy Grimsted