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ArcheoBiblioBase: Archives in Russia: G-5Last update of repository: 16 March 2020Nauchnaia biblioteka Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta (Biblioteka RGGU)Otdel redkikh knig/Kabinet Shaniavskogo [Division of Rare Books/Shaniavskii Cabinet] Telephone: +7 495 250-61-95 Website: http://liber.rsuh.ru/ru/ork Opening hours: RdngRm: M–F 10:00–18:00Head: Nikolai Vladimirovich Nikul'shin (tel. +7 495 250-61-95); e-mail [email protected] Holdings MS books—9 units (end 15th–19th cc.) The Rare Book Division, which is still being organized, already contains over 43,000 imprints (15th cc.–1930s). The most valuable parts of its holdings are several manuscript books from the holdings of the MGIAI library, predominantly of religious contents, including a fifteenth-century service prayer book (Izbrannye mineinye sluzhby), a book of hours (chasoslov) (16th c.), a kanonnik (with 17th c. additions), an oktoikh (a 17th c. book of canticles for eight voices), and a hermologion with neumatic notation (mid-18th c.), among others. Archival materials from the MGIAI library are being transferred to the division, including the entire collection of manuscript dissertations and student senior theses (diplomnaia rabota), some of which comprise descriptions of archival fonds and manuscript collections, or studies of archival materials. Another complex includes archival materials collected by former MGIAI faculty and unpublished works by several archivists in the Soviet system (Tsentrarkhiv and Glavarkhiv). There are copies of lectures by M.K. Liubavskii, scholarly articles and methodological materials prepared for MGIAI courses by V.A. Dombrovskii, N.A. Fomin, I.V. Puzino, N.V. Rusinov, and others. Starting in 1994, the division has been actively collecting materials of personal origin within the interests of RGGU, and has acquired the personal papers of the Russian ethnographer Iu.V. Bromlei (1921–1990). Working conditions: The archival materials are still being processed and are not yet available for researchers. Reference facilities: The manuscript books are covered by a card catalogue. Copy facilities: Xerox facilities are available. |